SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Hogging's got to stop
by Etienne [xxi SITOme]  2008-11-26 00:25:41 [21469]
I agree with you about the fact that there are only technical rules in gridcosm (and synergy in general), and it is also a reason why I like sito so much, because you can basically do anything and anything can happen

I want to say that I am not attacking GIO, neither am I condemning hogging, it is a part of the "game", and it can break the flow of the "predictable" in a nice way, I was just stating my feeling about the last few levels. (Might be a little confusing, I am myself unclear about which "side" I am on)

Hogged levels can lead to beautiful levels (3181 is a perfect example), but I think too many of them disrupt the collaborative flow

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