"Your question remains unanswered Nata." And so it should. I for one have looked dispassionately upon the grid as of recent, I follow it, I check in, I wait to be inspired. Every once in a while something clicks, but it does feel like the grid is turning into a ghost town. It's funny, years ago after I had stuck around the grid long enough to be a regular, I used to envision future scenarios where "old school" contributors and "new school" contributors would clash and it would spark creative dissent and output. That actually happened, to a certain degree, the talent of EHO and JIT and the ensuing bloodbath was a good example. In this mining town, the gold is running out and I check into the saloon every once in a while looking for a good card game or to get into a fight, but noone's game. The players have all gone home. But then I look randomly through the past and realize it will all come around again . . . ...gridcosm?level=2566