SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
So quick, and quicker Nata
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2007-09-13 03:04:43 [19438]

I placed up a few pieces on 2881, ludicrously ( if my recent witness of Grid participation should have acted as a guide regarding effort and expectation ) hoping that anything other than quickly fashioned quilt pieces might be adjoined.

I can only say that I am glad I did not devote time to a LevelJack, for I am certain that would have been similarly treated.

I am torn. One part of me says " Dude - who the f^ck cares already?"

And the other part, the part who does not really vigorously participate in Grid doings as I once did, sees a web entity entering an old, slow age.

I see hardly any hand drawn contributions when I check in; whimsy, if I can use that term, I feel is at a low.

Quilting is not to blame for these observations. I had had some ideas for that 2 whatever level and considered a LevelJack, but the spirit was not in me and next thing I know, I get a message via the SITO etc and nata is asking why he is so fortunate to get involved only to have a QuiltFest go on. Who can answer such questions?

I can only think -- why have I ever quilted?

Usually it was an angry, even drunken reaction to what I considered sh^t pieces.

I had a low-level kinda of reaction to MRM's almost immediate additions to 2881, yet I was not angry: I was curious as to what was going on - did I spoil his quiltfest; did he sit in limbo, just waiting to add his iron colored pieces to the mix? No grid poem -- it might as well be created by a bot.

Could we make that? A gridbot -- a program that would randomly contribute images, hijack whole levels, placing in images.

I improvise; I guess I care about as much as I can about the recent developments or the lack of any.

I was kinda happy with the elements of MRM's last level, about how they blended in with the pasting in to the cross shape, the Sargent painting. The result was not that harsh.

I guess I ws a bit let-down by the rust colored, slap dash lawn dart entrys of MRM that followed. I can express that, but I give about as much of a sh^t as I can and that, all in all, ain't that much right now.

Your question remains unanswered Nata.

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