JIT - you should come back. Frankly I miss your work and was just ribbing you on what ( in my panel c2 ) I thought you might not be so virulent, or as it might appear, thin skinned. I look back on the little stamps I have placed here and marvel at what knd of time I must have had on my hands or in fact how I still make time to place up some detailed pieces. JIT -- you impress me, it is kind of an honor that I place up your work and I should be respected for it. Don't be petulant about the whole matter. My next JIT panel will be something done in JIT style thatis not JIT's and I call anyone who feels they have the chops to do it. Seriously dude -- I looked back at some of your stuff and miss your collaboration. Now, EVA has not been here... and even if she comes back and "swipes" a image or does whatever it you say she did ( and I am not contesting your assertions ) screw it. Play on and if you have the Francs, Euros or seeds to go forth with some kind of litigatino, proving that in some manner she secured monetary gain via such image hijack -- go to court. No worries man, SUN