SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: just a little uneasy about 2625
by single random dot [srd SITOme] [email single random dot] 2006-06-20 18:18:15 [15860]
What a strange context - wondering about the black garden gnomes. I thought, this trashy ornaments refurbish only Germany... I am not very knowledgeable about "minstrel shows" (Outside: Othello and nostalgic chocolate advertising:

I think, it's not racism to allegorize apes with apes. Only if you show a ... (what is your actual political correct expression?) as an ape .

PS: Look at Mickey Mouse! Is he black or white?

...gridcosm?level=2389 ...gridcosm?level=2446

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