SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: the gap in attendance and why [some] people stray from the grid. one opinion.
by [raj SITOme]  2006-01-24 04:38:56 [14058]
...only effort that is required is to submit something... precisely! thanks for stating my point so eloquently for me.

...(and so are you I see.)... as i stated my effortless tiles were intended as statements. i mirrored what i saw and mocked it. but no one seemed to mind or even notice. sad. crap is crap. even if you consider it to be awesome crap.

...usage of available materials... i agree we should use them. i didn't say there should be no copy paste, no mirroring, etc... i said there is too much of it. i do think all available materials should be used... the one that seems to be overlooked most often here is effort. color, black and white, minimalism, whatever, all those are fine but throw in a big pinch of effort too please, and stop submitting crap. or, continue submitting crap and call it awesome.

i posted art and posted in the forum. so i guess you can consider my absence and silence hereafter to be my completely minimalist statement. awesome.

i only spoke up today because a couple people asked the question, why? the answer: awesome crap.

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Re: the gap in attendance and why [some] people stray from the grid. one opinion.
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