SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: TCA!
by  [mail] 2003-09-07 10:23:25 [7326]

WHY DID HE CUT HER ARM OFF?! And what about those ''jump cuts'' in French art films? Who do they think they're fooling? Those French movie directors are jerking us around! The French expect us to treat Truffaut and Goddard like they're gods or something. Disgusting!
"Are you aware of what I refer to? You DID NOT CONTINUE him...Malden you did not weave him into WOZ and it was egregious, I am not talking about what I did to or did not do to someone else... you dissed YOURSELF! I am in the Blendy camp 89% of the time and try often to stay so."

If I'd known in advance that I was going to meld WOZ and Malden, I would have started blending (probably layering) on 1585-a3. But I didn't plan it in advance. So I couldn't start blending until level 1586. Consequently the finished product isn't perfect. But it looks good enough to me. There's plenty of other physical distortion anyway... I grafted the oversized head of WOZ onto the body of a woman goalie! The scandal of it all! The unfinished Malden was just the final insult.

"I HAD to do the blue in order to keep a bit of continuity. The blue was there for me I did not choose it. I dont care where you GOT the photo of Kalr Malden FROM - you did not blend it into the next square which was a composition of your own"

Obviously, that shade of blue was necessary for blending. I found _what you did with_ the blue to be underwhelming. Half-hearted blobs. Those Mickey Mouse ears in SNY's 1586-c1 ... You seem to be making fun of yourself, poking fun at the shape of the blue background in SNY's 1586-b1. That's how I interpreted it.

"you sir are on a wildly independent and freakish bandwidth of your own, which is cool."

As are we all. Which is what makes Gridcosm such a challenge.

"You remain diametrically opposed I just want you to know, via critique, in so far as how you fail by my assessment. I never trash your color choice but you sir, cannot eloquently go beyond the square, or into the square, you are like a roller skater holding the rail while screaming topics out at the skaters, occasionally grabbing them mid-move and holding them, whispering links into their clothing."

I'm lucky I haven't been arrested. For creating a public disturbance. ;-)
1594-b1 is a somewhat worrisome example of your recent work. Its depth is listless, a few connecting vertical lines that are scarcely adequate. You can do so much better. This must be what MKC was talking about when he complained about 150x150 pixel box SNY. Anyway I'm not terribly concerned, I'm confident you'll twist our wigs again soon. Level 1595 has already forgiven 1594-b1.

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Re: TCA!

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