SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: POster 200+10 is up on the wall in Spring Lake Hts!
by jer   2003-09-01 12:23:36 [7277]
heh, I remember that Sunny.

that was like the archetypical freakout with the requisite kvetching in the forum afterward.

...gridcosm?level=65 The previous level had it's own bit of hooha, the grid broke because KYT's square was invalid for whatever reason. I actually took a screenshot of his Netscape image error and uploaded B3 under his initials (this was before logins and passwords) then added my interpretation with C3.

If I remember correctly KYT wanted to do that level over, but OED decreed it would stay, therefore laying the groundwork for full grid incorporation for years to come.

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Re: POster 200+10 is up on the wall in Spring Lake Hts!

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