SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: Bravo BWD
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2003-06-26 03:27:29 [6880]
I think that the ...any restraints for newbies will be non-existant. I thought about this short and calm this afternoon.

There is such a wonderful jazz like boundary. Play the wrong shit and Miles would have you walking. But -- what is wrong?

Nothing is wrong - it is up to each individual - hence the collaboration.

I thought today as I crafted my triptych ( my girl has been busting my ass about working on paying gigs -- lending almost no time to this -- a secretive passion of mine ! ) anyway - I thought about secret societies and naivete. We ( US - see POGO ) have a language and a communication goin on here! We cannot expect those to come in an flow right away....

And is funny how this is all so virtual - so apparently insignificant - but I would argue that the significance of it alone - however per se -- is good fodder for study.

In sito: My response to BWD was cool my regard. I screen capped him - took a message from his deal - and he responded: Not with feign but responsible parry. Yet the response was enough for me - in so far that I am a member, longstanding of this informal community, that he was at least acute, and was seeing signals.

An obvious note to all our frivilous selves, we by virtue of isolation ( this is about a web wide game ) are a specifically sophisticated lot, a creed unspoken our hand shakes in pixels our expressions in BBS style.

I love all who participate -- for real.

SUN ( possibly unconcluded )

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