SITO is an openminded entity, but it would be inaccurate to say SITO has no limits. For one, we have limited harddrive space, but that's beside the point I want to make. These collaborative art projects have a lot of limits. That's what makes them distinct from one another and what keeps them "focussed". Gridcosm has limited dimensions (150 square), limited duration (only a certain number of hours to complete your piece), limited number of pieces per level (8), limited participation (only those with SITO IDs, graphics software and Internet access). Generally, I think SITOids are very gracious with leeway for new participants. Any limits added to Gridcosm will be universally applied, without regard for seniority. The new limits will probably manifest as a version of the "time release method", as mentioned in earlier posts. Limits are requisite. Limits, for me, make collaborative art games/projects more fun by narrowing the focus. In this regard, I'm speaking about "behavioral" limits rather than "content" limits. "Rules" rather than "filters". There's a spectrum. One extreme is "everybody do something, anything goes, we'll figure it out later" and on the other is "everybody do exactly this thing in this way with this theme and it will be put together like this" . I'm interested in projects that provide a good balance of structure and freedom.