"Hundreds? And you wound up with the exclusion look? I guess to use anything stronger would exclude the message body which was key to the panel..." Astute observation. You're right, SNY. But there was a solution that I chose to ignore. I could have refrained from posting 1478-c1. And I could have refrained from posting a1 also. However, it's an exaggeration to say that everything I've done on Gridcosm is crap. The problem is the crap ratio. This I blame exclusively on lack of technique. The result can be overpowering, and not in a good way. That said, it's untrue that all I've done on Gridcosm is JPEGs ripped from Google and distorted by Photoshop filters. So. Where do I go from here? Whatever I do will be an improvement, even if I do nothing at all from now on. ...gridcosm?level=1477 On level 1477-b3 I doodled the body of OED's Victor Borg using Painter 6 on a WACOM Graphire tablet. No great accomplishment, I'll admit. What's remarkable is that doing it was a real pleasure. I don't miss ink and paper at all. Your pile-on is final proof that you don't want me to continue on Gridcosm. I'll do it elsewhere.