SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
[no subject]
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2002-09-26 22:15:26 [5435]
Well Nata and Mike some interesting posts.

I am not on a blending jag but secretly I had some minimal imaginations and hopes for my panels, hopes now dashed, but that is the way we all know.

I am trying to make connections as to what TCA is referring too. Well ages ago he made a remark that EHO's friend looked like Beethoven, so I can see 20% of somehting there in that ...weird connection of whatever, the dolls? Who knows.

Not everything has to have a connection, not everything has to be obvious... I am thinking - who the hell is that on the right? Carol Burnett or Carol Channing and what the hell doe she have to do with anything at all....

The Sinking of TCA

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