Man - how damned personal. You see TCA -- I say you stay. What does my simian cruel hand want? Nothing. I really just called you for your style. You draw from the past and by your response seem to have a problem with it? I am just fukkin with you that's all. Seriously - just screwing around. I mean - obviously I hit a nerve - I just have a thing against nostalgia...but I did look later - and dig the thought process that would even be so dedicated to reference - as well using the 1100 of the pattern. Mind you I dutifully blended you in. As for the teeth! Nat! LOL! Well that made me think of one " Throat Wobbler Mangrove " For what it is worth TCA the only thing we all have here is our commentary OPERATIVE TERM IS TO STIMULATE ||| OTIS = SITO. SUN