If I've got shit for brains SNY is the asshole who put it there.
 "You know technically I was not [blendy] in my last panels before the creative flood - yet -- I was! No congratulations but to be blockily nonblendy has its kicks..." Borrowing stuff from previous levels has its kicks, too. But any excuse for a personal attack is good enough for SNY. He so desperately wants me voted off the island. Okay, why not put it to a vote. I'm certain that SNY and BAZ want me off the island. Do you want me to go, NataLukas? I'm pretty sure that EHO wants me to stay. OED? You coded the original Gridcosm, right? Vote. UWI would never vote anyone off the island--he should probably abstain. I'm about to make the transition from GIMP to Photoshop 6. If I have to leave here, I can at least work on a bigger canvas. But I'll miss the inspiration.