SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Re: READING UP ( was Re: Gridcosm 000-500 in NYC )
by  [mail] 2002-03-01 11:40:59 [3883]
SNY, who is that drummer on 996-999?

When I make a CD-ROM of Gridcosm, I'll read the poem for each level using a dignified and natural reading voice. No distortion or sound effects will be used. Instrumental background music will be used but it won't be allowed to compete with the poem. The challenge will be to make the gibberish sound coherent. Each square will turn black and the creator's initials will appear in yellow letters thereupon when I read the corresponding phrase or fragment in the poem. The image will return to the square immediately after the phrase is read. The grid will progress forward [0-1000] of necessity.

This project could take me a long time to accomplish.

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READING UP ( was Re: Gridcosm 000-500 in NYC )
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