SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
what GIZ is doing ROZ/000914
by Geoff Gilmore [giz SITOme] [email Geoff Gilmore] 2000-09-15 06:47:29 [549]
Roz,what kind words,thx,especially seeing that I think I'm the latecomer here.My biggest hassle so far is seeing beyond my square orsquares while working against what seems a rather stringent deadline.I dont feel right reserving more than one space at a time,when I cant complete even one in the time alotted.Certainly I'll pick up speed,but still Ithink Imight be missing something basic.Anyone? g.
Re: what GIZ is doing ROZ..
Re: what GIZ is doing ROZ..
Re: what GIZ is doing ROZ..

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