SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
{ MKC ] I am playing nice READ PLEASE
by MARK SUNSHINE [sny SITOme] [email MARK SUNSHINE] 2000-02-07 20:43:02 [138]
Mike - I have known you for quite some time via the grid and I have gotten into spats with various folks but I must say you are somewhat of an anomaly lately. I can appreciate energy, and such, but I must ask a question and I wouldlike a coherent thoughtful answer.

Why are you at such a breakneck pace on the GRID? What propels you? Your panels are seemingly ( and others will agree ) so cheap and thrown together. Do you know how it feels to NOT want to place up a panel - for the neurotic fear that it will disappear in 2 days under levels of panels whose source imagery is perhaps 4 root images stirred in various fashions via a method that( by my standards of Photoshoppian expertise ) requires little effort.

I grasp desperately in such vital seconds - asking myself - shall I proceed? Mike this is how it has felt. What was up with that level with all that kangaroo crap: horizontally flipped, inverted, solarized and whatever else you may have chosen - perhaps you used the pen tool a few times for effect.

What I am saying is: I like this work of yours in moderation - this style you are affecting - but give someone else som time to perhaps work off it! You have - lately - the sophistication of a bludgeon and the patience of a lottery winner.

My most sincere assertion that I am NOT pissed, just damn worried about how I will participate in the game I dig when there is - or has been seemingly 1 player. I feel others are feeling this too.

I write this for what I feel - in my opinion - is the future health of the game.


Dear Mike: me too (almost..
To The Health Of Cheap At..

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