this is a particularly important thread, i think, for us sito-workers to make note of, as far as comments from the artists go. quite literally for *years* now, ed and i have tossed around ideas for how to get *better exposure* for all the art that ends up on sito. (let alone more commentary -- but exposure precludes any commentary; which sometimes is difficult to get no matter how much exposure there is.) so, how to get art viewed more? well, we are playing around with some different artchive "home" pages now, in hopes of getting more random stuff in peoples faces. but that only gets so far. in a way, sito is a victim of its own success, i suppose! i mean, how do you *really* expose the typical viewer to thousands of pieces of art, when dozens new ones are added each day? this is not a rhetorical question. i am hoping to open this up for ideas from the artists (and other sito players; and heck, the general viewing audience). a weak excuse i have is that there is just ed and i coding *any* ideas that come up (and we are short on those). this is between our "day jobs" and what we roughly call "life". however, we LOVE sito every moment of this life, and truly discussion threads like this help spark the fire under our programming butts to implement something to remedy this situations. so, in short: IDEAS? how do we get the art in peoples faces better? and when this happens, is there a way to encourage more commentary?