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A brief explanation of the collaborative/user environment on SITO.


In order to keep track of users logging in, posting messages, uploading art and installing pieces in SITO's collaborative art projects, we have devised a simple identification system. Each user on SITO has a short identification name comprised of three letters. We call this identification and database system "SUE". Short for SITO User Environment.

Artists and avid users are invited to sign-up for a free SITO ID.


SUE provides a way for SITO to recognize a specific user, and remember things about this user for every visit. In addition to identifying the user while viewing SITO pages, SUE is also used to identify the user during participation in collaborative Synergy projects. Finally, SUE is used to identify artists within the Artchive as well.

In short, SUE replaces the functionality of the old Synergy ID and Artchive user name, and adds the ability to recognize the user throughout the site in general.

The user's identity will be mapped to a unique SITO ID, and will be authenticated with the user logging inhelp: Logging In to SITO (at the user's leisure). The user must login in order to participate in a Synergy project, so that the user's identity to be confirmed. Otherwise, any user is free to roam the site anonymously as a "guest" user if so desired.

Anyone with a SITO ID can also edit their SITO user settingshelp: User Settings at will. This includes copyright statements, email address, name, nationality, mailing list subscriptions and publicity of contact information.


SUE uses "Cookies" to help keep track of who is logging in. Cookies are tiny files stored on your machine, usually in a special directory determined by your web-browsing software. For SUE, SITO sets four cookies. One cookie keeps track of your SITO-ID and another cookie is an authentication of that SITO-ID. When you login, there will also be a cookie to track your "session".

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