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We'll accept any description you're willing to give.
You can spray us with your own chunky definition on the main What Is Art page.
james (saladino[]concentric.com) says...
Art is the tears and laughter of someone who inhales life
(Fri Jun 27 22:49:16 CDT 1997 )
Paul Heavens (paulh[]cruzio.com) says...
Art is the material manifestation of our inner self reacting to external stimulii.
PS How do I get to be on your artist list?
(Wed Jun 25 13:11:54 CDT 1997 )
Steven Suranie (sksuranie[]aol.com) says...
Art is anything created by the human mimd. Of course, what is good art or bad art is entirely subjective
(Fri Jun 20 09:10:54 CDT 1997 )
David Patrick Bryan (davidbryan[]aol.com) says...
Art is the cool air sweeping life's preasures from your face. It is the
taste of cool water, that cannot be described. It is the sharing of
one's immortal soul. The giving of one's gift. The circle of looking,
finding, and returning home. It is the weight of a single flame. It is
looking in the mirrow and seeing yourself looking up! Art has value when
it is returned to the artist with a kiss. In a word, Art is "LOVE"!
(Thu Jun 19 18:21:58 CDT 1997 )
Saskia Botsch (Saskia[]stud-mailer.uni-marburg.de) says...
This Definition is hard,
but Art comes from the greek and means technik, the ability to create something.
Later on it gained more space (like the art of living, of building etc.). Then l'art pour l'art...
And now, it's an renaissance of the connection of technik and art.
An Artist is someone who provides the space to make art. He creates a new world of art, the visitor or consumer gets to be an artist for 5 Minutes.
I hope, someone understood what I wanted to say, my English isn't very good.
(Mon Jun 9 13:32:48 CDT 1997 )
joanna (gaylelauren[]msn.com) says...
0 - manipulated form (physical, social, verbal, etc.)
1- vacuous self indulgent twitter
2- lots of porno
3- .
4- Snoop Doggy Dogg (?)
5- creation and destruction at the same time is something I enjoy in art but that is my aesthetic
6- obviously something we find undeniable crucial to life (which is also, like "art," an undefinable experience though it is superficially obvious), a fact illustrated by the varied definations, many of them reaching for transcendence--------> perhaps art is simply the opposite of life- a sort of ying-yang thing of chaos and conscious application
(Mon Jun 9 01:30:48 CDT 1997 )
David Kartuzinski (wave3power[]aol.com) says...
the pursuit of highest quality expression and communcation on an aesthitic wave
(Thu Jun 5 18:20:53 CDT 1997 )
Nick says...
Art is the outward expression of the imaginings of the mind.
(Sun Jun 1 22:23:01 CDT 1997 )
Mosalo Jan (mosalo[]egnatia.ee.auth.gr) says...
Art is nothing else but a way which describes the path of contact between the above level, the lower level and the system beyond our imagination.
(Fri May 30 08:13:09 CDT 1997 )
Alison Mitchell (alisonm[]pipeline.com) says...
Art is hopefully something that deepens your sense of wonder, which is ultimately the only thing worth caring about.
(Fri May 30 04:50:09 CDT 1997 )
Alison Mitchell (alisonm[]pipeline.com) says...
Art is hopefully something that deepens your sense of wonder, which is ultimately the only thing worth caring about.
(Fri May 30 04:49:33 CDT 1997 )
Alison Mitchell (alisonm[]pipeline.com) says...
Art just is.
(Fri May 30 04:29:14 CDT 1997 )
Alison Mitchell (alisonm[]pipeline.com) says...
Art is a consensus hallucination.
(Fri May 30 04:28:55 CDT 1997 )
Alison Mitchell (alisonm[]pipeline.com) says...
Art is what touches your soul.
(Fri May 30 04:27:01 CDT 1997 )
Alison Mitchell (alisonm[]pipeline.com) says...
Art is my goofy uncle.
(Fri May 30 04:25:40 CDT 1997 )
Alison Mitchell (alisonm[]pipeline.com) says...
Art is life and life is art.
(Fri May 30 03:41:01 CDT 1997 )
R.F. Watts (rfwatts[]primenet.com) says...
Art is what people who make art make.
Hey; it works for me.
I realize that this leaves unanswered the question of the 90s:
Why Cats Paint.
They paint because they have to.
(Thu May 29 14:26:58 CDT 1997 )
Joonas Kiviharju (dread[]sci.fi) says...
I had to write here in finnish because english, german and SWEDISH were allready represented:
Elämä on tuskaa. En kestä sitä, mutten pakene. Pakeneminen on turhaa, sen olen oppinut. Lähden pois, mielikuviin, pois todellisuudesta. Todellisuus on suhteellinen käsite. Todellisuus on henkisesti kuollut tila. Voiko siis olla todellinen, jos ei edes elä. Mikään ei ole todellista, en edes minä itse. Ajattelen, siis en ole.
Olen miettinyt, kaikkea. Ajattomia ajatuksia, jotka pursuavat mieliimme, kun haluamme luoda jotain kaunista, tai rumaa. Asiota, joita en uskonut voivani tiedostaa. Luulin olevani viisas, mutta paljastuin tyhmäksi. Niin, tiedän sen itsekin olen tyhmä, vaikka muut tai minä itse muuta väittäisimme.
Voin huijata elämää ja ihmisiä kuvittelemaan olevani heidän yläpuolellaan, tai jos haluan; alempana kuin muut. Mieleni kulkee muualla kuin teidän, ja minunlaisiani on paljon. Kuitenkin, jos haluaisitte herätä, olisimme voimattomia edessänne.
Olen siis miettinyt, kaikkea ja muutakin. Me, jotka luulemme itsestämme liikoja, mutta tiedämme arvottomuutemme. Luulen, että meille on nimi, joka kuvaa meitä ja mieliämme. Nimi, jonka äänteissä paljastuvat kaikki ajatuksemme, sille joka osaa kuunnella. Meidän nimemme on lyhyt ja kaunis, ja turhamaisuuttamme haluamme käyttää sitä itsestämme, vaikka tiedämme ettemme ole sen arvoisia.
Jos vain me olisimme, me kuolisimme. Sillä me olemme loisia, emme kuitenkaan rumia, vaan luonnon täydellisimpiä ilmestyksiä, jotka imevät teidän elinvoimanne ja kukkivat teidän mielissänne. Ette ehkä huomaa, kuinka te kuihdutte ja me kylvemme ilon temppelissä, sillä luulette elävänne yhä täydellisemmin meidän kanssamme. Halveksimme teitä ja te ihailette meitä, vain viisaimmat ovat huomanneet kuinka te matelette ja kuinka meitä kannetaan kultatuoleissa. Te pidätte näitä viisaita ihmisiä yksinkertaisina, ettekä huomaa järjen puhetta heidän koruttomissa lauseissaan.
Mutta te ette kapinoi, vaan alistutte rooliinne luullen olevanne onnellisia, tietämättä paremmasta. Vain teidän jumalanne ovat meidän yläpuolellamme, ja vaikka uskonne jumaliin horjuisi, uskotte meihin. Vaikka jumalanne kuolisivat, me elämme.
Te elätte säälittävän elämänne, synnytätte ehkä yhden meistä; ja ylpeilette sillä, luulette kuolevanne onnellisina, ja kun kuolette, kuolette lopullisesti. Kun me kuolemme, elämme ikuisesti, repien elinvoimaa lapsiltanne, ja yhä uusilta sukupolvilta.
Olen miettinyt kaikkea tätä, mutten tiedä vastausta. Vaikka me kuolisimme, nostaisitte joukostanne uusia loisia, sillä se on ihmisen luonto. Tälle ei ole loppua, sillä vaikka välillä heikkenemme tai kuolemme, synnymme taas uudestaan entistäkin vahvempana. Kuollessamme hautaamme vanhan suunnan ja luomme uuden entistä surkuhupaisamman, ja nauramme yhä makeammin, teidän suistuessa syvemmälle kuiluun, joka on sokeus.
I'm also going to translate this into english (this WILL be difficult):
Life is pain. I can’t bear it but still I don’t run away. Escaping is futile, that I have learned. I’ll go away to my imagination, away from reality. Reality is a relative concept. Reality is a mentally dead condition. So can one be real if one isn’t even alive. Nothing is real, not even me. I think therefore I am not.
I’ve been thinking, about everything. Timeless thoughts that flow into our minds, when we desire to create something beautiful, or ugly. Things that I didn’t believe I could become conscious of. I thought I was wise but I was unvieled stupid. Yes, I know it myself. I am stupid, even others or myself would claim otherwise.
I can fool life and other people to think I’m above them, or if I desire so, below than others.My mind takes other paths than yours, and there are many of my kind. However, if you’d desire to wake, we’d be strenghtless in front of you.
So, I’ve been thinking, about everything and else. We who think too much about ourselves, but are aware of our unworthyness. I think there’s a word for us that describes us and our minds. A word in whose phonemes reveal all our thoughts, to the one who knows how to listen. The word is short and beautiful and because of our vanity, we like like to use for ourselves, even we know we’re not worth it
If only we would exist, we’d die. That’s because we’re parasites, not ugly-ones, but the nature’s most perfect creations, who suck your lifepower and bloom in your minds. You may not see how you wither away and we bathe in the temple of pleasure, because you think you live even fullier with us. We despite you and you admire us. Only the wisest have noticed how you crawl and we are being carried in golden chairs. You think these wise people are simple, and cannot therefore see the words of reason in their plain sentences.
But you don’t rebel, and you submit to your role thinking that you are happy, without knowing of the better. Only your gods are above us, and even you would stop believing in them, you believe in us. Even your gods would die we will live.
You live your pityfull lives, maybe bear one of us, and are proud of it, you think you’ll die happy, and when you die; you die permanently. When we die; we live forever, ripping lifepower from you children and the forthcoming generations.
I’ve been thinking about all this, but I do not know the answer. Even we would die, you’d raise new parasites among you, because that’s the human nature. There’s no end to this, even we get weaker or die, we’ll born again, stronger than ever. When we die we bury the old tendency and create a knew one, which is even more tragicomical than the last, and we laugh even sweeter while you are thrown deeper into the pit that is blindness.
(Joonas Kiviharju 1997, sorry about the bad english, it isn’t my native tongue. ).
(Thu May 29 13:01:58 CDT 1997 )
Steve Jablonski (jabbo[]centuryinter.net) says...
Art is a three letter word that lends literal comfort to those who know it.
(Sat May 24 19:10:32 CDT 1997 )
Spleen (spleen[]webspan.net) says...
Art is the spontanious outpouring of the overwhelming collection of pain and misery and death. Art allows us to hold ourselves as superior to the universe. Art is everything and yet it is ultimately nothing of consequence. Art is the first step on the journey, and it is also the final resting place of a tormented soul. All in all, Art is.
(Wed May 21 15:54:50 CDT 1997 )
Stephen King (unicorn[]eskimo.com) says...
Human emotion bled for pleasure.
(Mon May 19 02:23:26 CDT 1997 )
CyberAce (cyberace[]direct.ca) says...
ART is when Eve takes off her leaf with delicate preparation, and
stimulating effect....
Opposite to ART, when Adams drops his leaf...
(Sat May 17 06:44:39 CDT 1997 )
chem-o-head (cpb[]feline.anu.edu.au) says...
(Thu May 15 18:05:11 CDT 1997 )
Ward says...
ART IS "the tear in god's eye"...it is the search and NOT the destination.
(Mon May 12 15:07:17 CDT 1997 )
B.Pozek (pozland[]tri-lakes.net) says...
Art is the one place where information leeks out, not poured in.
(Thu May 8 22:32:44 CDT 1997 )
Bill Gates (superphallus[]microsoft.com) says...
The more expensive, the better.
(Wed May 7 17:24:31 CDT 1997 )
Blackhaven (Blackhaven1[]hotmail.com) says...
*Art Is an extention of the human soul.*
(Tue May 6 09:34:13 CDT 1997 )
Blackhaven (Blackhaven1[]hotmail.com) says...
(Tue May 6 09:31:30 CDT 1997 )
carine levy (daron[]actcom.co.il) says...
art, well good art anyway is *life as it should be*
(Mon May 5 23:35:20 CDT 1997 )
april (lirpa777[]webtv.com) says...
art is anything labeled as such. if the creator, or
anyone else for that matter, refers to anything as art
then it is just that...even if it is only to them.
(Fri May 2 14:33:52 CDT 1997 )
JAL (jlah[]azstarnet.com) says...
Art is Imagination (Imagine-ation) (Mind-image+product) (Mindageduct?)
(Thu May 1 09:42:49 CDT 1997 )
Jeannette (jdgran0[]pop.uky.edu) says...
art is a moment in time when the beauty of something holds your attention,makes you stop and think and appreciate the creativity around you.
(Wed Apr 23 16:01:48 CDT 1997 )
Egg Boy (indigo-montoya[]geocities.com) says...
Art is "Blue Panel" at the Met...
and those who sit and admire it for hours...
(Fri Apr 18 19:27:10 CDT 1997 )
PANGAEAN ARTS "> Bill Pierce (wpierce[]wpierce.com) says...
these letters do combine
in the imperfection
of human community
to bespeak with norm
... or not
beyond all sound and image;
the wild keening,
the gentle apnea,
the bright absence,
that obsessed cunning
stripped of reason,
brags the dark social heart.
(Fri Apr 18 02:33:55 CDT 1997 )
Jesse Scott (jscott01[]willy.wsc.edu) says...
Art is an organized outward expression of a feeling (or feelings) by
an itellegant life form that may be felt, seen, heard or even smelled
or tasted. When it is not done out of expression it is done only out
of the desire of animals to built and create. Art for arts sake!
(Tue Apr 8 11:42:43 CDT 1997 )
bonehead says...
Art is my Ass.
(Wed Mar 26 03:55:10 CST 1997 )
Jessica (spriite[]hotmail.com) says...
what moves you
(Tue Mar 25 11:07:10 CST 1997 )
Catch says...
Art is ....
....to answer this question and touching the screen.
(Sat Mar 22 17:36:53 CST 1997 )
Thomas Castelberg (TCastelberg[]compuserve.com) says...
Art is ....!
(Sat Mar 22 17:29:59 CST 1997 )
Paul Cyr (finn[]ptbo.igs.net) says...
Art is that which wakes you up, like that sticky nervous feeling accompanying a nose bleed in the middle of a board meeting. It's a reminder that you are more than just a meat machine. It begs the question: Is this my soul I'm feeling?
(Sat Mar 22 16:01:20 CST 1997 )
Matan (13 years old) (rachelsh[]netvision.net.il) says...
Art is something that if your teacher teaches it badly you are going to hate it for the rest of your life.
(Sat Mar 22 07:11:32 CST 1997 )
Gaia (8 years old) (rachelsh[]netvision.net il) says...
Gaia says : Art is my needs.
(Sat Mar 22 07:08:40 CST 1997 )
Larry Ball (bhagwan[]pacbell.net) says...
Chopping your former wife's head off and killing a waiter who is returning
a pair of glasses, inadvertently left at the restaurant where he worked
and then hiring a fool named Shapiro and a bigger fool named Algonkwin J.
Calhoun Cochran (the crook is innocent!) to convince 12 people
with room temperature IQ's that the police framed you after your blood is found at
the murder scene and the deceased's is in your car.
Like McCluhan said, "Art is what you can get away with."
(Wed Mar 19 20:10:10 CST 1997 )
Michael J. Hohal Jr. (Michael_Hohal[]Harcourtbrace.com) says...
Art is medium reflecting an emotional, intangible mental picture.
(Mon Mar 17 16:15:10 CST 1997 )
Jonathan Talbot (talbot[]warwick.net) says...
art: anything in the universe not falling under the heading "nature".
Consider the following:
"Art is man's nature; nature is God's art" - P.J.Bailey, 1839
"Nature is a revelation of God, Art a Revelation of Man" - Longfellow, 1839
"Art is consummate when it seems to be Nature" - Longinus, 3rd Century A.D.
"Nature is the art of God" - Dante (1265-1321)
"No work of art can be great but as it deceives;
To be otherwise is the prerogative of nature only." - Edmund Burke, 1756
"Things come into being either by art or by nature" - Aristotle (4th Century B.C.)
(Wed Mar 12 21:32:26 CST 1997 )
Bjørn Bjarre (bbjarre[]powertech.no) says...
The definition of art is easy: Art is, simply, what anyone decides
it to be. But the whole question is really not so interesting.
(Mon Mar 10 01:14:41 CST 1997 )
P. Wittfeld (wittfeld[]aol.com) says...
Art is the man-made visual response or reaction of an individual to his environment ... the people, places and events around him.
(Wed Mar 5 16:54:36 CST 1997 )
Chris Wong (wong072[]uidaho.edu) says...
Art is a represntation of anything that can be observed by the human senses.
It is a impression of nature or a creation from the mind.
(Tue Mar 4 00:58:40 CST 1997 )
teoman madra (btmadra[]turk.net) says...
anything you do creatively with an addition of more freshness upon others before you visually or in multi media circumstances or else if your wish is to ber offensively silent
(Mon Mar 3 14:26:52 CST 1997 )
Peter Carlin (pcarlin[]angel.net) says...
Art is human creativity.
(Sun Mar 2 10:59:22 CST 1997 )
dcarner (greenfly[]cats.ucsc.edu) says...
Kunst Ziegt!!!!
Vandalismus ist Kunst! Ja Volle!
Quality, no
wanna vist my ever broken web page?
it would be awfully nice, i have a reveiw of this site there, maybe it will convince you to vist sito/otis?
(Fri Feb 28 16:32:54 CST 1997 )
DCarner (greenfly[]cats.ucsc.edu) says...
the fabulous rendered useless on the proper scale as designated by ?
(Fri Feb 28 16:26:43 CST 1997 )
Guy van der Walt (magicguy[]iafrica.com) says...
Functionless art is simply tolerated vandalism...
We are the Vandals
Quote: Type O Negative, October Rust
(Wed Feb 26 11:01:30 CST 1997 )
Jeff (evergold[]lm.com) says...
XARTIC: adj. [L. ars, artis, art.] exotic; surprising; ethereal,
without implying beauty; effective in inducing wonderment.
Descriptive of certain visual artworks (computer-generated/
assisted/enhanced), often ones reputed by the artist to be
serendipitous in nature/creation
EXOTIC: adj. [L. exoticus] of foriegn nature or character;
not native; introduced from abroad, but not fully naturalized
or acclimated; strikingly beautiful and unusual in appearance;
mysterious; different; strange
~~~The XARTIC Website
~~~The Embassy of Xartica
(Wed Feb 26 02:20:35 CST 1997 )
Jeff (evergold[]lm.com) says...
Art is where you find it; XARTIC art is art that finds you.
Think about it.
(Wed Feb 26 02:13:04 CST 1997 )
Atmoon (atmoon[]ibm.net) says...
Art is art where we sense the wind is like wind and the iron is iron
(Tue Feb 25 05:08:03 CST 1997 )
beetlejuice (bmiyamot[]hawaii.edu) says...
whatever you think it is the LEAST.
(Mon Feb 24 20:51:01 CST 1997 )
oMi (calcaxy[]las.es) says...
ART = das Malex das jetzt liest und goil wird so ein perlchen nachzubauen!
(Mon Feb 24 12:46:22 CST 1997 )
Daniel Noone (Not[]all.will.i.tell) says...
Anything and Everything
(Sun Feb 16 02:48:41 CST 1997 )
Preston McCall (prestonmccall[]sprintmail.com) says...
Art is the presentation of some universal statement of the human condition. Great art is just painting. Great art is painting which starts as a lie and becomes truth. Great art is the embodiment of a tremendous spirit of being so in touch with the painting medium that a transition occurs which for a split second opens a door to all of time. The experience of that open door is so brief that it requires the intense focus of energy to experience it; so intense that one barely notices the door is briefly open. For a spilt second when I see a Tiziano Vecellio (Titian) the door opens and the presence of what he portrayed comes to life, for now, for then and for the future. Art is sublime. It is considerably better understood by a rigorous study of its history. It is naive to miscalculate its ultimate importance. Great art (painting) is the most important human contribution to the future. None other can be so virtuous! pingebat.pxnt
(Tue Feb 11 21:23:08 CST 1997 )
suebob (suebob[]sb.net) says...
Art is too easy for students, and too hard for artists.
(Mon Feb 10 22:57:44 CST 1997 )
sunghoon Kim (sunghoon[]elim.net) says...
Art is ....?
This get person to think what is life, and oneself.
(Wed Jan 29 02:37:53 CST 1997 )
Rick says...
a visual piece of design that is attractive to the eye
(Mon Jan 27 12:01:18 CST 1997 )
Christian Bynum (cure[]u.washington.edu) says...
Art is the externalization of a personal idea, thought, or feeling. (See how easy that was?)
(Fri Jan 24 08:42:31 CST 1997 )
Ian Campbell (ianc[]islandnet.com) says...
Art is a sensory imbalance designed to accentuate or neutralize an
(Fri Jan 24 01:33:59 CST 1997 )
oMi (calcaxy[]las.es) says...
art? art is in every language something different.
in english its a wide open term
(in english I´m an artist, in german I´m not)
or you wanna be a Kuenstler?
Art is the way you´re doing or you let it.
Yes or Know?
(Mon Jan 20 10:24:24 CST 1997 )
coral montero lopez (an097025[]udlapvms) says...
art is not what we live for. It created us and it can destroy us just with
an unfair glimpse of total beauty.
(Fri Jan 17 18:38:36 CST 1997 )
NoOne (sbender[]rsad.edu) says...
Art is a wake up call. The shit we're hit with everyday isn't art, it's
digital slop for the weak-minded. I've been hit everyday with the
question "is it real?" Nothing's real. REALITY IS IN YOUR IMAGINATION, and
(Wed Jan 15 19:29:41 CST 1997 )
peter james kashur (pkashur[]accent.net) says...
Let us put on the list of forbidden words and phrases-along with “finalize,” “point in time,” “charisma,” and “contact” as a verb-the locutions “Art,” “Artist,” and “Work of Art.” Naturally the prohibition cannot be absolute. The great museums of New York and Boston cannot go nameless, nor can countless university departments. In historical contexts the terms may of course be preserved; my proposal concerns contemporary usage. But here we should be mercilessly strict: we must not refer to any living persons as Artists, or to what they produce as Art. But then what shall we call them? Just whatever they are.
Students will, of course, continue to obtain academic recognition for their craftsmanship in drawing and painting, but degrees in abstractions like “Creative Arts” will no longer be granted. Anyone who expects credit for a container filled with used paper towels will have to find a department that is willing to go on record as giving advanced degrees in wastebasket filling.
As soon as Acconci’s bites are denied the forbidden appellation of Art, they will be seen for what they are: real bites. They must be assessed as such: for example, did they hurt?
Since each thing is itself and not something else, let us insist that it be called exactly what it is and treated as what it is, without recourse to the vague catchall something else, “Work of Art.”
Edward T. Cone
The American Scholar
autumn 1977, Vol. 46, No. 4
pp 443 -447
(Tue Jan 14 23:08:18 CST 1997 )
Intersection says...
Art is the ne true untortured eliment of the soul. The only true music worth hearing
(Sat Jan 11 18:33:29 CST 1997 )
home boy C. says...
snoop doggy dogg says,
art is my music and my lyrics
so ye'all bitch's better recgnise
and suck my sack.
(Sat Jan 11 05:59:03 CST 1997 )
Dave says...
Anything that imposes a sensual enhancement
upon the viewer(listener etc.)of which the main
purpose is the expression of an inner ideal through
exterior peripherae and medias.
(Sat Jan 11 05:52:58 CST 1997 )
the eyes says...
The creation of a work of art and the interpretation of another person's art are subject to the viewer and their own emotional, spiritual and physical deprivations or lack there of.
(Fri Jan 10 02:44:52 CST 1997 )
The eyes. says...
the creation
of my hands are the expression of my spirit!
(Fri Jan 10 02:40:07 CST 1997 )
darkangel (darkangel[]prodigy.net) says...
a release of yourself in what you consider as beauty
(Thu Jan 9 12:28:37 CST 1997 )
d.carner (greenfly[]cats.ucsc.edu) says...
Art is truely anything (object, experience, or idea) of cultural signficance. The word is nearly empty in significance and all accepting. Where one runs into really hard questions is in defining quality.
(Wed Jan 8 15:41:29 CST 1997 )
flo braun (f.braun[]hermes.de) says...
All we do is art.Weather we paint,comunicate or create.But one thing,
which didn´t persuade me of being a tool in the name of art is the
(Mon Jan 6 11:38:55 CST 1997 )
JLKLN says...
art is not tought from books and teachers but from the heart and soul.
(Sat Jan 4 20:17:25 CST 1997 )
Andy R. (ASR383[]AOL.com) says...
Art is total cahos and insanity , it is anything and everything you could imagine>
(Fri Jan 3 17:14:22 CST 1997 )
Beate L. (101742.1310[]compuserve.com) says...
kunst ist therapie
(Thu Jan 2 20:25:42 CST 1997 )
erwin lian (spidex[]hotmail.com) says...
art is the posseion in everything!it's through the eyes of every humans that it's being definated and through the thoughts in our minds that makes everyone of us alive !!
(Sun Dec 29 06:54:13 CST 1996 )
Ryan Schmidt (digitz[]tst-medhat.com) says...
art is the subtle beaty of absolute insanity
art strolls into a mind full of pain and reduces it to utter...absolute...nothingness
(Fri Dec 27 01:41:15 CST 1996 )
Scott Forbes (r3q[]nfinity.com) says...
"Art is whatever you can get away with."
-Marshall McLuhan, _The Medium is the Massage_
(Sat Dec 21 00:52:14 CST 1996 )
Joel Becker (joelb[]tez.net) says...
Any stimulation of a visual , tactile or sound nature
which evokes an emotional reaction in the perceiver.
(Thu Dec 19 18:26:42 CST 1996 )
Lynn (hush29[]aol.com.) says...
Art is everything thought provoking that digs deep into your soul.
(Sat Dec 7 23:32:09 CST 1996 )
steve (steveviso[]geocities.com) says...
Art is life.
Art is a fog bank under the sun.
Art is a black shadow in the eyes.
Art is the cry of your life.
Art is what will kill you.
(Fri Dec 6 03:00:19 CST 1996 )
DAVID BECKSTEAD (ligarto[]orca.esd114.wednet.edu) says...
From corkscrews to kangaroos and some and some between.
(Wed Dec 4 19:29:47 CST 1996 )
Ken! says...
Insert your own inane comment which sounds very intelligent and lofty here.
(Mon Dec 2 23:34:27 CST 1996 )
sharon miller (sharon[]red.info.co.il) says...
Art director for web desigh
(Sun Dec 1 13:29:59 CST 1996 )
abou jabal (faris[]qldnet.com.au) says...
Art should be designed to nourish all the senses, - touch, taste, sight, sound and smell; - the purest form of art may be found in nature.
(Fri Nov 29 20:45:08 CST 1996 )
buckaroo bonzai (bonzai[]rea-alp.com) says...
Art is what the normal try to do, what the biggoted fear, and what makes a really good reason to die your hair a funky color.
(Thu Nov 28 01:29:42 CST 1996 )
M.L says...
(Wed Nov 27 01:37:58 CST 1996 )
Ed (ed[]sito.org) says...
Art is a macintosh that works perfectly.
(Sun Nov 24 13:55:53 CST 1996 )
berezina matokovic (bmatokov[]alf.tel.hr) says...
The art should be a sillent passion
Heating mightly from inside
(Fri Nov 22 05:10:04 CST 1996 )
Adam says...
Is there an answer?
(Thu Nov 21 12:15:37 CST 1996 )
period (diderik[]interaccess.com) says...
(Tue Nov 19 21:38:31 CST 1996 )
Dave (payned[]ix.netcom.com) says...
a holistic communication...
one mind connecting to another
(Fri Nov 15 15:07:26 CST 1996 )
shlebeda (cgraham[]zoo.uvm.edu) says...
art is tra backwards...and god is a pet
(Tue Nov 12 15:09:46 CST 1996 )
N. H. Mauk (nhmauk[]midway.uchicago.edu) says...
Ye hoary vitalists and mystics, purveyors of fuzzy-headed naïve
Art is not an idea. Art is not a way of connecting with the soul. Art
is not a religious experience. Art is not expression. Art is not
meditation. Art is not therapy. Art is not a regression into savagery.
Art is not a primal language. Art is not autobiography.
Art IS a thing! Art is an act and art is an object! Art has an
empirical existence!
Feelings do not!
If you are an artist, go MAKE THINGS! Philosophizing about art as
soul-therapy is NOT ART, but vacuous, self-indulgent twaddle.
(Mon Nov 11 17:41:54 CST 1996 )
delila says...
Today? Creativity gone bad.
(Fri Nov 8 17:33:52 CST 1996 )
SenSa (SenSa[]dimensional.com) says...
The high mission of any art is, by its illusions, to forshadow a higher universe reality; to crystalize the emotions of time into the thought of eternity.
(Fri Nov 8 16:18:38 CST 1996 )
school (hastings3[]mn.uswest.net) says...
art is passion fulfilled
(Fri Nov 8 09:09:42 CST 1996 )
Magnus Tamelander (matae[]wmdata.com) says...
Art is the tall one in Simon and Garfunkel...and is besides that the skin colour and scent of a society and its inner state and hidden truths.
(Fri Nov 8 07:36:52 CST 1996 )
carlos a. alves (lampi[]sp.looknet.com.br) says...
sito is art
(Fri Nov 8 05:24:02 CST 1996 )
Deckard Kinder (newman[]ntr.net) says...
art is what's left after hope is abandoned [exist...endure...maintain...prevail...transcend
(Thu Nov 7 23:16:34 CST 1996 )
Trina (vidtree[]aol.com) says...
Art is anything, mostly what you enjoy doing daily. You make it an art.
(Thu Nov 7 16:53:13 CST 1996 )
Ajay Kochhar (kochhar[]ari.net) says...
Art is a form of self-expression.
(Wed Nov 6 23:47:14 CST 1996 )
Robin (Alchemi888[]aol.com) says...
Art is a conversation between one human spirit and any other spirits who choose to listen. Art cannot exist in isolation and it achieves its most exquisite purpose when neither spirit presupposes what the topic will be.
(Wed Nov 6 22:36:17 CST 1996 )
Gary Andolina (artman[]ix.netcon.com) says...
This is a very interesting question. If you ask my dealer it is the peices that sell,
I make a lot of art that never sells, but it's still art. Art is a very hard thing to pin
down. It is really a defination more than objects of stuff. If an "Artist" says it's art
then it's art!!!!!!!!
(Tue Nov 5 21:17:12 CST 1996 )
gretta (sagega[]mal.bc.ca) says...
too much time is consumed on attempting to define art...why?
(Mon Nov 4 17:54:19 CST 1996 )
gretta says...
art is what we seek to define, but never can
(Mon Nov 4 17:48:55 CST 1996 )
christopher bowie (cbowie[]bradford.com.) says...
"Art is anything you can get away with"
- Andy
(Thu Oct 31 13:00:11 CST 1996 )
Leticia (supple[]h140.aone.net.au) says...
Art to me is the expression of the being inside the mask that you show
to the world. To me, it's not the painting of something exactly as you
see it, but what is inside you when you look at that something. Art is the
you that you are too often afraid to show the rest of the world..
(Thu Oct 31 00:20:46 CST 1996 )
Ed (ed[]synergy.net) says...
Art is always having to say you're sorry.
(Wed Oct 30 12:43:22 CST 1996 )
Emiliha Marielle says ...
Det är något som sitter i betraktarens ögon. allt kan vkonst, eller inget. Helt individuellt.
(written in swedish)
(Sun Oct 27 13:05:19 CST 1996 )
Rene Ravenel (ravenel[]acsu.buffalo.edu) says ...
Q: Do you consider yourself an artist?
A: Had you finished your sentence two words sooner, I'd say yes.
scott meier (reiem[]earthlink.net) says ...
art is the search, the search to make the connection within yourself. Getting out all the confusion, all the frustration. Focusing on only what is truely impo rtant.^M