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We'll accept any description you're willing to give.
You can spray us with your own chunky definition on the main What Is Art page.
scott meier (reiem[]earthlink.net) says ... art is the search, the search to make the connection within yourself. Getting out all the confusion, all the frustration. Focusing on only what is truely important.
Sam Bushell (jsam[]pobox.com) says ... Art is making my brain tingle! Stop it!
Rudolf (perspex66[]aol.com) says ... ...a good way in searching for freedom...
DEBLOCK Frank (frankart[]mnsi.net) says ... Art to me is not just an IDEA or thought in my head. Art is an accumulation of things and the decoding of these things portrayed in two dimensional forms
eric (webmaster[]www-lib.co.santa-clara.ca.us) says ... Art is the expression of one's feelings through any of the
various mediums available within our universe.
alex (acidic[]u.washington.edu) says ... one definition of art i like a lot is that art is anything that isn't motivated entirely by a basic, survival need. See Scott McCloud's _Understanding_Comics_ for a more eloquent rendition of the above.
Daniela Pollmann (daniela[]clubnet.bellsouth.cl) says ... it´s the gesture, the expression,everything that shows what you want to tell as a metaphora of your points of view when it becomes public.
Sometimes the way you smile.
Captian Ahab says ... Art is everything, your rug, your shoes, your kitchen table, Art is everything!!!
bunny,bugs (jump[]t-online.de) says ... ups???
where are the fucking lolitas???
Dan Hanna (ElQueso[]gnn.com) says ... I think art is a combination of what the artist brings to the work,
meaning all the communication they include that is seperate from the
actual work, the actual work, and what the viewer sees in and brings
to the work on their own, meaning what a viewer feels about a peice
although through no intent of the artist. These three things act
like a chemical reaction, and without one of them the art peice
fail. These are opinions though, so if this doesn't happen for one
person, it isn't to say it won't happen for another over the same
Jerry Bookter (bookter[]scsn.net) says ... At its best, 'Art' is something that is positive and uplifting to the viewer/listener/whatever. It should be a celebration of humanity. Too much of what passes for art today is the result of attempts to present a _negative_ message. Artists who do this will seldom survive except on the charity of the government or other like-minded 'artists'.
Dean A. Steadman (dastead[]uswest.com) says ... You know, it's all that stuff on the bottom of your shoe.
Michael Scott (mikey[]plainview.com) says ... "Talking about art is like trying to french kiss over the phone."- Terry Allen
karaoke says ... music
Tim Phillips (tap4[]acsu.buffalo.edu) says ... Any manmade creation intended to convey meaning.
Pascale (camwal[]pandemonium.fr) says ... What's art? Art is original. And what's image?
Image is our incapacity to see the original.
Kasimir Malevich. Russia.
matt holme (holmes[]selway.umt.edu) says ... Art is: a story, a way to communicate. It is an expression of oneself. It is part of you. We all have something to say. So say it!
Mads (100754.220[]compuserve.com) says ... Art is what can't be said in any other way.
Amina T. Nelson (defrho[]umich.edu) says ... Art is the visual expression of anything through history, books, computers,drawings,graffitti, illustrations,performance,photograpy,sculpture,etc. that portrays life.
Marcel van der Drift (drift[]caiw.nl) says ... Art is a three letter word which starts with an A.
Mike Huber (anaximander[]geocities.com) says ... Art is intentionaly conveyed experience.
Art has exactly one message: "check this out!" That message can include quite a few nuances, though. This restriction rules out purely "message" oriented art. If a piece of art just says "War Sucks" that's not art, but if it somehow gives an experience of the same message(for example, "hey - check this out - war can get your arm blown off like this guy's arm. That sucks."), that IS art.
In other words, art shows, it doesn't tell.
PaulaMastroberti (mastroberti[]pro.via-rs.com.br) says ... Art is the most natural expression form that still remains in the human being
Laurie (claypotz[]top.net) says ... and....
Art is...(to me)...whatever I say it is at any given moment.
Laurie (claypotz[]top.net) says ... Art is...
anything that a person sees as being art to them.
It satisfies the senses in a creative way that is personally
defined as art to the person who is experiencing it.
Kurt Caviezel says ... Art is in your bed and in your kitchen
janiced says ... art is love making with it starting in the mind,soul and body.Marking a everlasting impression... and feels good long after. alpha and omega
janiced says ... have u check the greatest artist of all times .his first showing is found in the greatest published book of all times .his critis were 12 men and one mean dude who was followed his show for several years, And has waited for his famous come back that is ART.
janiced (janice douglass[]hifihealthfirstinc.net) says ... it a image that is projected in your mind by emotion and believes that you feel,touch,see,taste.
u feel is real.
manning (d601[]vny1.gvit.edu.au) says ... Art is an artists attempt to create a unity through the reconcilliation of opposites with whatever means the artist chooses.
wayne mcmahon (waynem[]magiccarpet.com) says ... Art is what happens in the brain at the
transient moment between sensation and
realization. It occurs quickly, silently, and
either during creation or observation of a
work of art. (copyright 1996 wayne mcmahon)
maurice (maurice[]conversations.org) says ... art is art but then again may its not
Indina Beuche (indina.beuche[]hamburg.netsurf.de) says ... A*ffectionated R*aw T*enderness
Deborah Russell (sellwein[]dmv.com) says ... Art is pursuing life with the excitement of discovery that creates
cosmic energy we claim as our ideas, knowledge and creativity.
Lile (lile[]art.net) says ... Art is that which makes me happy... Makes me feel alive... Makes life seem real... here and now!
matthew (jukevox[]well.com) says ... it's art if your palms itch, your feet sweat or your
glands flare...
David (dgh[]pop.interport.net) says ... ART is Sex
ART is Money
ART is God
ART is Art
ART is You
The Cigar Journal (red[]cigarjournal.com) says ... The shit, cigarwise.
Jody (jodyb[]infomap.com) says ... Art is capturing the subtleties of reality in
a medium other than that in which it normally exists.
kelly elegant sci. (eleg_sci[]efn.org) says ... What is art! Dang.
I just need to make some money. Art is a game. Art Shmart. i wish I was one of those painters who gets paid 10,000 dollars for a painting
I wanted to be a painter ever since I was little. I had dreams of being like Matisse or O'Keefe.
What a joke! Being an artist is not like being a baker.
kelly the elegant scientist (eleg_sci[]efn.org) says ... art is a lifesaving gesture, at its best. usually though its decorative fancy pants.
Joseph (cursorx[]loop.com) says ... Štoday, is: 1) indistinguishable from commerce
2) purposely putting your hand in a live blender to make a point
3) hardwood floors and tall ceilings
4) good sushi in a relaxed environment
5) human marks or trails
Michael Gauckler (michael[]nonmet.mat.ethz.ch) says ... stART!
D.Kelley says ... That which is beautiful.
lou (? how do you get one?[].LOU) says ... ART IS EXPRESSION OF ONE'S PERCEPTION......
J. C. White (ther0se[]apex.net) says ... Art is "Soul Speak"
Jenny Laden (JLducky[]AOL.com) says ... a wild bitch whore who wears clothes of understanding and sings songs of perception while spinning in every direction so as to point out the ultra dimensionality of our existence on earth.
Brenda (brendab[]deakin.edu.au) says ... Art can be anything you want it to be. Life and living is art.
Nault Andre (asnault[]microtec.ca) says ... Answering to Hannu Kuusela, I say: "Art is nothing else than
LIFE. Let us try yo make our life a real "oeuvre d'art""
Andre Nault
Hannu Kuusela (hanesty[]haneku.pp.fi) says ... Art is - Dream In The Universe - Unta Universumissa
Molly Kiely (mkiely[]air-ca.org) says ... whatever moves you!
(hi ed, this is molly using somebody else's computer...)
Joshua Sera (jsera[]pogonip.scs.unr.edu) says ... Art is a refined, honed, thought about, piece of something thrown out
into the world to find a home for it's own... You can find art on a
circuit board, or a sidewalk, in a wave, or a motion...
Paolo Prinzivalli (loni[]iol.it) says ... L'artl'anima dell'uomo e lo spirito della mente.
Grant says ... Art is a life's work. It is a study and an occupation.
IT is hard work that doesn't always just come out at will.
Art has to be coaxed out and practiced. Not everyone is
an artist. Art is a discipline and has principles that must
be respected.
tilde says ... Art is epiphany.
tilde says ... Art is the blossom of an artist's vanity, genius and inspiration. Intention is incidental, that is the beauty of it. Art reveals the more it attempts to conceal, art is perfect truth even when it seeks to deceive.
Julee Dunekacke (dune[]cse.unl.edu) says ... "Art" is "tar" to a dislexic.
...but to me...it's my ididosyncracy...sometimes annoying,
but always purposeful. art the best reason for me to
continue learning about technology. it's the way
i mess with people's minds with their permission.
other people do this too, right?
Lure A. Shark (neonhaus[]creative.net) says ... though supper was waiting, we decided to place our hopes before passing fingers and breathes of silent weiner dogs.
mariano aja espil (maja[]act.net.ar) says ... Art is...
A harmless posibility to change our reality
A milenary fight with comon sence in the name of sencitivity.
A morning in the place that you would like to live and die.
and art is what I am trying to explain here
and what ever you think it is.
(excuse my english and aproove all rest)
Luanne says ... Art is your inside turned out. And only you can do the turning.
David Lloyd (lloydd[]gpu.srv.ualberta.ca) says ... Art is wicked.
Crista Beck (cb9642[]cnvax.albany.edu) says ... Anything created
Elizabeth McAuley (tpau[]cats.ucsc.edu) says ... Art is what pleases and makes you content. Oh yes, and Art is entirely
in the eye of the beholder, and you will have a hard time convincing me
otherwise. So there.
Brenda (brendab[]deakin.edu.au) says ... Art is anyting you want it to be. My only criteria, is it must be interesting.
Roberto Arcaute (rarcaute[]hutman.com) says ... ....art is me....
Catharine DeLoriea (cdelorie[]uiuc.edu) says ... Anything that causes mental ecstacy, whether beautiful or horrible.
Seahunt (a0002822[]airmail.net) says ... That which needs to be portrayed to another
Sean Dice (dicesm[]holli.com) says ... An expression of ones beliefs, ideas, or emotions.
Knowledge says ... Art is your own way of letting people know how you feel and whats on your
Daniel Trujillo says ... Art is the form of expression one shows in photos, paintings, liturature and or drawings. Art can be any
medium brought to sight or sound through the prospective of the artist mind or soul.
Uncle Aussie (aussie[]compassnet.com) says ... Art tells the truth that the facts lie about.
vanessa bortulucce says ... art is the deepest of the feelings ,an meeting with the inner self of each human being
Hannu Kuusela (hanesty[]haneku.pp.fi) says ... ART is inspiratio. Art is hard work. Art is reflection.
Art is Beautiful womens.
John Holmes says ... Art is like a woman's body. Art must be held, loved, and used. Art is stimulating, both mentaly and physicaly. Art gets me off.
NOTE: the next time you encounter a sculpture, run your hands over it, feel it, and encounter the experience. You will see what I mean. You might even cum in your pants.
Now that's art.
bubba says ... Art is like a good piece of pussy, it's good, it's sweet(mostly), and once you get into it, you just can't get enough.
The Medicine Man (x[]) says ... Art is that which flows from the soul, it thrives, it lives it breaths. It penitrates our minds, fills our hearts, and embraces our desires. Art can be big, or it can be small. It can be a Piccaso or it can be a naked woman, spread open for the world to see. Art has many forms; but one thing can be said, Art is always to be enjoyed by all who encounter it.
BRINO (ARTinSANE[]aol.com) says ... that which comes out, creatively unannounced as in F.art
Sharon Richardson (sharon.richardson[]Sematech.org) says ... Art IS consciousness!
Taking consciousness of ... and bringing it out into physical awareness.Where it
can be sensed, felt, viewed or expressed. THis can take many styles, mediums and expressions.
To be fully aware of: as an artist. Physically expressed by the uniqueness of the artist.
Student of LIfe
Sharon Richardson (sharon.richardson[]Sematech.org) says ... Art IS consciousness!
Taking consciuosness of ... and bringing it out into physical awareness.Where it
can be sensed, felt, viewed or expressed. THis can take many styles, mediums and expressions.
To be fully aware of: as an artist. Physically expressed by the uniqueness of the artist.
Student of LIfe
Veronica Ortegon says ... Art is a pale imitation of Life.
After all our physical needs are satisfied (food, water, shelter) man is left with an emptyness in his soul. That is when he turns to art - to create it, contemplate it or collect it. Art is food for our spirit, that is why all religions used great art to reach us.
mike (emjabe[]aol.com) says ... visual eyegasom
purge says ... art is like a trip to the bathroom after a month of constipation.
Pam (pam[]odyssee.net) says ... It is a reflection of humanity at any given time. it allows us to view into
ourselves and provides us a true psychological measure of where we are
where we have come from and where we are going.
Dakota Mauck says ... Art is queer! It sucks big dick
Larry Westover (klwestover[]aol.com) says ... Art is a creative, unique and original expression that allows a viewer to share another perspective.
IVAR (ravive[]alpha2.iimb.ernet.in) says ... Some snazzy jazzy modern stuff
Mario Rosanda ROS (mario.rosanda[]pu.tel.hr) says ... Art is Life.
Sarah says ... Art is something that carrys a feeling and that have be expressed to anyone one.
Lil says ... anything that beholds the creators expression and intention to be art.
demography says ...
Nestling in the cusp of denotation and connotation:
constructed contexts and expressive intentions.
Art is what you make it.
Art is short, play hard.
Art is a many-splendoured thing.
Art's come a long way baby.
This thing is bigger than the both of us.
Art for him, art for her. Art is the choice of a new generation, art is it.
kiyotei (kiyotei[]sierra.net) says ... Art: a three-legged boy eating cream cheese from a tube.
No, wait that's the definition of buddha.
Art is . . .
memise says ... the situation says go create. the brain tries to tell the hands what the heart feels. the result is art.
Tara Anderson (teande00[]pop.uky.edu) says ... Art makes you blink and makes your soul shiver.
Hannu Kuusela (hanesty[]haneku.pp.fi) says ... Art is allthings, art is summer, art is beautiful girls.
jim-bob (snedry[]tenet.edu) says ... a dynamic juxtapositioning of elements and principles, another way to know.
John Leicmon (propos[]walrus.com) says ... Art is when mathematics turns into Beauty. If you don't believe me
see http://www.proportions.com/jl.home.html
Paul Pitsker (ppitsker[]radman.com) says ... Art is the attempt to overcome the inadequacies of common language for communicating
essential truths and mysteries. The innate human need for this deeper level of communication is
probably one such mystery.
Paul Pitsker (ppitsker[]radman.com) says ... Art is the attempt to overcome the inadequacies of common language for communicating
essential truths and mysteries. The innate human need for this deeper level of communication is
probably one such mystery.
Paul Joiner (pjoiner[]nol.net) says ... Art is artificial. It is made or done. It is an active verb. It is communication
Sheinina Raj (sheinina[]lolitasgallery.com) says ... lolitas gallery houses pieces by various artists. Photography is featured on the top floor, paintings are on level three, fashion is on two and jewellery is on the main level.
Patricia Corrigan (sarabel[]sirius.com) says ... What is art?
Through art we communicate our most subtle perceptions
and give structure and order to the world we perceive around us.
While the forms art represents are drawn from our natural surroundings,
the structure we give them reflects the structure of our minds.
Arising from mind and conditioned by mind, art is a mirror of our
Art enters the realm of the sacred when it transcends personal and cultural
expressions and mirrors the deeper levels of consciousness.
In this realm, art has the power to illumine dimensions of mind inaccessible
to our physical senses and show us the true nature of our being.
Masuy chris (mi5064[]bristol.ac.uk) says ... Art can be everithing if somebody "the creator"believe in it
,and work for it...
for me it has to talk about social problems,
in search for the evolution of "humanity"
Jun park (jpark[]sac.on.ca) says ... i don't know anything about art..art is hard...
art is like "playboy"...
i love art........
Benedict Jung (sjung[]sac.on.ca) says ... art is very very good...it's fantastic.....ilove art....
art... art.........is like woman's body. i love art..
art art.....i'm crazy about art...
is good good
Pickup (tp051[]mdx.ac.uk) says ... art is a set of formal rules that people have concensually agreed to.
like paintings go on walls and are more expensive than sculptures.
Bovis Presley (bovis[]mindspring) says ... wisps, blotches, etc. signs of deliberate attempts of communion with
creative forces within. The manifestations of journeys to the creative
center. Some paths are direct. Some are twisted.
clark (beastie[]sunsite.unc.edu) says ... clark believes that art = style...
"To communicate a state, an inner tension of pathos through signs,
including the tempo of these signs -- that is the meaning of every
style; and considering that the multiplicity of inner states
is...extraordinary, there exists...the possibility of many styles....
Every style is good which actually communicates an inner state, which
makes no mistake as to the signs, the tempo of the signs, the
gestures -- all rules of phrasing are art of gesture. (Art is) the
art of grand rhythm, the grand style of phrasing, as the expression
of a tremendous rise and fall of sublime, of superhuman passion..."
--Friedrich Nietzsche (Ecce Homo)
Chad Hessoun (hessoun[]indiana.edu) says ... Art is any creation (solid or ephemerial) intended as art.
Now, what's good art and what's bad art, that is the difficult question which I shall not attempt to answer.
Gary Wium (gwium[]mediarare.com) says ... Art is the soul's fingerprint on reality's window.
Eric Jones (ejones[]butterfly.uvic.ca) says ... - A writer who forgot his ABCs.
- The expression of something that can't really be expressed with words.
- Aesthetics!
he says ... everything,
a struggle
to describe/understand;
the ununderstandable
André Faria Barbier (barbier[]sjinfo.com.br) says ... The art don't reproduce the nature, and it is not his finish!
A arte nao reproduz natureza, nem e este o seu fim!
K.Miyagawa (real[]seafolknet.or.jp) says ... Art is a battle to survive without obeying anything.
We must develop and continue this battle.
Lungfish (mcleanr[]mail.ozemail.com.au) says ... there is no definition. Every artwork is an indefinable, ever-changing entity.
Larry (LVickman[]aol.com) says ... Art is the means of communicating the emotions which cannot be expressed using common language
carranza levitch (levitch[]u.arizona.edu) says ... art is a lifesaver
Denis van Waerebeke (d_van_w[]techlink.fr) says ... L'art est une espèce de zigounette à poil long
de la famille des palmidés apocryphes qu'on rencontre
assez commune dans les steppes d'Asie Centrale.
michell mouton (pormichell[]aol.com) says ... Art is expressive energy released....it can be private, public or something you hide from yourself...Art can be words, images or something you can not see or touch. Art can be, has been and is and exstention of self.
Hannu Kuusela (hanesty[]haneku.pp.fi) says ... Electric Art... is that here somebody other this kind..
Art is full Wonder.
allen erwin says ... what i saw & felt.
Daniel (d.jauslin[]swix.ch) says ... The day you think you know WHAT ART IS you should STOP PRODUCING ANY.
NeuRom-X (neuromx[]cam.org) says ... art is rat, rat is art
Hirokazu Wada says ... Art is the never ending avant-gardism, never ending incompletion.
Bill Gauch (gauch[]cs.uri.edu) says ... Some people say art has a language, some say that it doesn't for one reasone or another. In reality, art is the definition and all words are defined by art.
Robin Reynolds (spankme[]mail.utexas.edu) says ... Art as an entity holds the same stading as any human emotion...
you know what it feels like, and you know it when you experence it,
but to define it would undermine its full impact on the Self.
Danyèle Mercier (Danyèle.Mercier[]fsé.ulaval.ca) says ... Ce qui nous émeut par son étrangeté, sa beauté ou son réalisme.
Translation: what moves us because of it's strangeness, beauty or realism.
Danyèle Mercier (Danyèle.Mercier[]fsé.ulaval.ca) says ... Ce qui nous émeut par son étrangeté, sa beauté ou son réalisme.
Mark (charlesm[]caedm.et.byu.edu) says ... Garbage!!!!
no-one says ... everything
Toshio Okazaki (blacky[]leo.bekkoame.or.jp) says ... My Art
Steve Jones (gargoyle[]echonyc.com) says ... Art is a kind of experience. An artifact is not art.
An artifact can create an ART experience in a perceiving entity,
but is not an embodiment of ART, per se.
One person's ART is another person's SOMETHING ELSE.(Trash, nature, mess, meaningless object, tool, etcetera.)
Just as the MUSIC experience can be had by one, but not by another,
so the ART experience can be had by one and not another.
If someone has an experience with something that feels to them to be NOT ART,
they are not wrong, any more than the person who experience the same something
to be ART.
ART is the name we give to a certain kind of feeling we get from a
region of experience which delivers something more than the sum of
it's parts, maybe we could say.
Something which unites the apparent with the felt. Hmm?
Definitely a subjective thing.
Hannu Kuusela (hanesty[]haneku.pp.fi) says ... Aphorism Art and other things. Welcome
andy (agreen[]jesus.ox.ac.uk) says ... communication plus beauty = art
andy (agreen[]jesus.ox.uk) says ... a composite of opposite deposits
andy (agreen[]jesu.ox.uk) says ... the only way
andy (agreen[]jesus.ox.ac.uk) says ... the beginning of the end of the beginning
chris Art (chris707[]sonic.net) says ... Art is one way out.
The oPPosiTe of forms.
Art is a declaration of independence
The ridge that falls beneath real
If art didn't exist, neither would anything else.
Geir Erik Nielsen (geirerni[]login.eunet.no) says ... Art is the word used by an individual to express the idea that a painting / a sculpture / a book / a piece of music etc has any meaning beyond appearance for that individual.
scot andrews (lucky[]accesscom.net) says ... response generator
Mike Brutvan (mjb39[]cornell.edu) says ... The act of framing:
calling conscious attention to a portion of the cosmos.
Without perception, art does not exist.
Michelle says ... Art is when people express what they feel inside of them and they bare it for all to see, for all to view and critize if they will. The best art is that which comes from our hearts, images in our souls so big we have to find a way to express them, or they'll burst out of us.
SITO Rules!!
Crunk Daddy says ... art is.
Hannu Kuusela (hanesty[]haneku.pp.fi) says ... I Like all kind of Arts. All Artist doing future.
art (tzart[]a.crl.com) says ... me...
bill aylesworth (WAylesworth[]aol.com) says ... Art is what the individual sees in it. a flower may be beautiful to one
person but to another it may bring about painful memories.
rusty says ... art is a multicolored fart
Bob (damprabbit[]lamg.com) says ... This is art.
Janet (Art4sale[]prodigy.com) says ... Part of the ART of living...is living with ART. Whatever is perceived in one's mind as ART...is ART!
Mark Armbruster (gmndad[]aol.com) says ... Art is when i fall asleep and dream. Art history is when i wake up and remember what I've dreamt.
Dan Pettersson (f94dape[]dd.chalmers.se) says ... Art is something that not anyone can, or will, do, but still is meaningful.
(That is, some few commercials may be art, but mot wrapping the Berlin city hall in pink sheets...)
Ben Fogt (bfogt[]capital.edu) says ... Art is a physical or sensory display of the way that an artist lives and deals with the choas surrounding him or her.
I think that this applies in most cases, except that in minimalist music the audience is as much the performer and composer as the other two.
Hannu Kuusela (hanesty[]haneku.pp.fi) says ... Art is the best, what human can happen.
Greg (sto 80[]aol.com) says ... Art is like a car, you can park ir in your drive and tear it all apart, or you can get in and go away....bye.
Carole Andreas (atrium[]grmlan.org) says ... Good art finds the "backbeat" to the rhythm of a concept or emotion. The backbeat is the entrance to the soul, where the patterns of ideas can be enjoyed and assimulated.
Bad art has no message or backbeat.
Ed Zerne (edzerne[]mail.ameritel.net) says ... Washington Area Artists
Ed Zerne (edzerne[]mail.ameritel.net) says ... Art = A+R+T does not = R+A+T / does not = T+A+R unless tar is the medium then Art=A+R+T subgroup tar.
Jeremiah Ford (I_dont[]have.one) says ... Art is anything that looks cool. That includes alot of stuff,
so art must be a BIG concept...
Takayuki Shikama (iybt[]ppp.bekkoame.or.jp) says ... Beat Emotion!
Bob Shuman (shumans[]aol.com) says ... art=imagination & desire (psyche and eros)
that does not fly away right away
kenny n. (kneuen[]parlorcity.com) says ... Anything to do will history. The past, may we never lose it.
Tom Repasky (Repasky[]gnn.com) says ... Art is the relationship between an observer and the observed.
Art is the exchange of energy packets that give definition
and permit the existance of 'two'.
Kristen d scatliffe (scatdtk[]caribsurf.com) says ... Art is the expression of your feelings or emotions into various forms that can be appreciated, revealed, enjoyed, and admired by the public or audience.
To me no one can really say what is a work of art from what is not a work of art ,why ? because every one expresses themselves differently and "what is one man's trash is another man's treasure."
jan freek (stichting.aki[]rt.nl subject freek) says ... art is a way of living, oh this sounds dull but it is true, what do you do
and how do you do it.
chris o says ... Art is anything that isn't fucking or eating - some things have more art in them than others.
Mitsui, Ikki (onimitsu[]vetmed.hokudai.ac.jp) says ... Art is like a virulent virus. It breaks out everywhere and at any time.
Hannu Kuusela (hanesty[]haneku) says ... Yet remember this, The flesh does not think.
Hannu Kuusela (hanesty[]haneku.pp.fi) says ... I have been art show, here in Finland
nicke hedin (nicke.hedin[]hks.se) says ... art phenomenology
phenomenological view upon art
Sander Kessels (kessels[]xs4all.nl) says ... Art is the result of a crejaculation
Amy Halucha (Pezlvr[]aol.com) says ... Art is anything that a person has originally created with his or her own mind.
Cliff Hersh (CliffSar[]aol.com) says ... Art is a form of communication implementing the visual sensory organs to convey an unlimited, infinite range of perspectives, appreciations, views, and paradigms to the viewer. The conscious application of medium or construction of materials creates, concurrently with the subconscious motives and feelings, a new entity in reality that is spawned by both levels of the mind. Hence art's depth as a communicative medium is very great.
b says ... everything
Matthew Desmond (tatsuo01[]aol.com) says ... art is an expression of a certain individual who has an idea and
wants to visualize it.
Auriea Harvey (suzerain[]inch.com) says ... you know how when you get a mosquito bite and you scatch it and scratch it
Kiki Lazaropoulou (kiklaz[]delta.gr) says ... Pleasure in life
Jan Postma (postm202[]tem.nhl.nl) says ... When you make art, it's art, when you start and say: "this is art!"
Marv (MARVY[]AOL.COM) says ... ...bad things.
H. Jacobs (HJACOBS135[]AOL.com) says ... Art is the expression of the artists imagination.
Joe Orlando (JoeJSculpt[]aol.com) says ... Art are us.
knotwell (knotwelc[]coral.indstate.edu) says ... Art is that powertool in the garage that you had to have but never use.
Carole Sinclair (yerbabuena[]aol.org) says ... Art is the name of my dad.
Gary Greer (GREER G D[]aol.com) says ... A right-brained effort of creation whose primary purpose is to stimulate atleast one of our senses...
Carl Kruse (carlkruse[]aol.com) says ... If you have to ask what it is, you'll never know.
Olivier Auber (auber[]email.enst.fr) says ... Art is something unhuman.
We need it to know the limit of our territory
(sorry for my bad english, I am a frog)
Tammy (SilverTam[]aol.com) says ... the unique expression of onself in a safe insane way that others can understand and not feel so alone in their thoughts and states of mind
Squishy says ... This is art.
Chris Butler (deye[]hotwired.com) says ... that funny mark on gorbachev's head?
Sergio (Pixar[]ix.netcom.com) says ... Art is a way for some of us to try and show others the crazy sh** that goes on in our heads. Maybe someone out there has it in their head too, or can tell us why we have it in ours...
Shannah (A4Pan[]aol.com) says ... One could ponder the question as philosophers have done for ages and not find a satisfactory definition. Questions that can actually be answered should be pondered. For example, Who is Art for? What is Good Art? Art for Art's sake or Art for life's sake? What are the powers of Art? Today is Art used to heal or negate the viewer? Perhaps by understanding these questions one can understand WHAT IS ART without actually having to give simplistic definitions.
Bearz (zehrer[]sendit.nodak.com) says ... It is a way for people to put their ideas and feelings on paper. Or for them to show others what they think our worl is like
simone cappelli (simonec[]well.com) says ... ...the expression of unconsciousness...
shank (kshannon[]mci.newscorp.com) says ... How much art...can you take?
Derek (floyd[]hotwired.com) says ... Art is a great topic for a thesis.