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We'll accept any description you're willing to give.
You can spray us with your own chunky definition on the main What Is Art page.
suze (pamplona[]aaln.org) says ... I was teaching English to a class of six-year-old Chinese students. The
format of the lesson was very restricted. I would say "What do you want to be
when you grow up?" and the children would reply, choosing an occupation from
the book. Then I would ask them why ('I want to be a doctor because I like
to help sick people.' None of the girls said this --the only females pictured
in the book were teachers and nurses). One little boy risked invoking the
wrath of the Chinese teacher by choosing an occupation not in the book: "I
want to be an artist." Intrigued, I asked him why. "Because I like to see."
Michael Rawling says ... Art = nothing an artist says it isn't
Heikki Luhtala (hluhtala[]unda.fi) says ... Art is dificult. Everypody cant make it. Somepodys must like result.
It's not important what kind pen you use. Your pen can be computer.
Sometimes is important if not have too meny kopies around.
Art is like cold or diamonds. If everybody have it then it is not enymore
valuable.(sorry for my enlish)
gino (ltumine[]comp.uark.edu) says ... Art is defined by each individuals eye.
Jenny E (jjjw47c[]prodigy.com) says ... Art is any epression of feelings or thoughts that provokes a reaction from another human, whether bad or good.
Brian Crawford (crawford[]mcs.com) says ... Fuck art. Let's keep dancing.
John Calhoun (calhoun[]uky.campus.mci.net) says ... Through personal experience, art is a suspended emotion that
enables others to perceive and understand the ideas and feelings of
the artist.
Unknown says ... form and content
sue says ... Art is language beyond the spoken word.
The difference between good Art and bad Art; if it must be explained
it aint no good!
frans julhimer says ... Art-tra
Arunas (aber[]puriena.kvm.lt) says ... The world in humans eyes, ears and etc.
Mike (stepad[]cadvision.com) says ... Art is stuff that looks good
Rob Berry (berry[]coil.com) says ... What kind of stupid question is that?
Felix (fho[]butterfly.uvic.ca) says ... Art is form of expression without accountablity to anyone. This means
either to the artist or to the viewer. But then you could retort by
saying ` Well, if that's the case, anything could be art.' That is true,,
but art has to have one accountable aspect- it has to appeal to the human
and not the artist, for the artist is only a vassal of the human.
To sum it up, it is the human who decides what is art
(gore, classical, abstract,saddism,etc). Therefore, to search for a
definition is not impossible, it`s just that the age doesn't allow it.
Conformity is not the image of art for this age (you can debate that
but that is what I think) within the social structures which art is
dealing with. So should we kill art, a fresh slate so definitions
are more amiable? I'm not a critic, I just deal
with making it.
labiel (labiel[]pi.net) says ... Art is recogmizing your own naked vulnerability
Lisa Mazzanti (Mazzanti[]epix.net) says ... The Production of Something Beautiful.
"We need all the help we can get in understanding the world --The
both seen and unseen -- and every ounce of beauty we can find
or help create "
kevin hankey (khe[]mail.bogo.co.uk) says ... A human being's reaction to external stimuii.
All human communication is art
Paul Joiner (pjoiner[]nol.net) says ... Art is artificial. So, who said that first? Does it matter?
The memes created by the words are the art. The words are just
the tools.
Kirkle says ... Art is also: playing God.
Brian O'Tousa (103427,1166[]compuserve.com) says ... Art is the visual embodiment of a mental glance at the great super collective consciousness. It often emulates some reality that we see, but the great art transcends "everyday" reality and recreates a super ideal reality. Very few people see it, let alone create it.
Josh Irish says ... My definition of art is:
Everything is art. Period. The only difference is that we base
our judgements of art on what we have seen, been taught, and exposed
to at an early age. I someone can only open their eyes to what is
around them, they will see that what I say is true. Of course art is
in the eye of the beholder. So once again everything is art. What
everyone else considers art is just a judgment call.
Thank you for your time and understanding
Ron Hicks (inkman[]arbornet.org) says ... Art is a good homegrown comic strip and at other times just what
ever type of art tool you have in your hand and whatever type
of media that you have under your nose at the time;)
Christian Bynum (cure[]u.washington.edu) says ... Art is the externalization of a personal idea, thought, or feeling. (See how easy that was?)
John Valentine Olson (val olson[]aol.com) says ... Art is what everything else is not.
Keston Helfrich (keston[]en.com) says ... If you can't eat it or live in it, its Art
Lynelle Forrest (lynelle[]acc.fau.edu) says ... Art floats. If it doesn't float, it's not art.
Jeffrey S. Hyer (JHyer[]MSN.com) says ... Art is what one sees!
Harald Schroepfer (hs[]titu.de) says ... ... ein Meister aus Deutschland.
dork inc. says ... Words, images, or colours that appeal to the mind, eye, or body.
Wally Provost (wallyprovost[]pipeline.com) says ... A communication between an artist and a participant that extends beyond the immediate into the realm of shared
experience. One that calls forth in the participant deeply motivated emotions.
benjamin b. ambar (benjamin[]toxi0.vmsmail.ethz.ch) says ... Das liebe alte Warzenschwein steht heute leider nur auf einem Bein: Art
allen sherman (asher28824[]AOL.COM) says ... Art is all that is impractical (all art forms have no practical purpose)
and the asthetics of the practical (why
cars look the way they do
Fuad Ramses says ... It is that which makes my butt
wheez. Sorta like this chair.
Jon T. Reede (jonreede[]msn.com) says ... refraction from within of the without
ariel says ... a mirror of the soul.....it always shows more than was intended.
Mark Parkinson (TOYO MARK[]eworld.com) says ... Art is.....any object or word(s) which can lead our conscious or sub-conscious away from mundane thought. Hey, maybe that was....art?!
JOE WIMPLING (kwimplin[]mail.bcpl.lib.md.us) says ... art is a collection of dreams that are captured in the lense of a camera or done by hand either molded or sculptured or painted on canvas to last forever
Rame Rampson (rrampson[]bridge.net) says ... Art is a cumulative collection of past human emotion embodied in the
artifact. Experiencing it projects its message into the future.
J. Tony Smith (tony.smith[]segaoa.com) says ... Tonya Harding's Shoelaces
Justin Nemmers (jnemmers[]vt.edu) says ... Art is anyhting that you look at.
chris Caines (chris[]sysx.apana.org.au) says ... R&D into modes of perception
garnet hertz (ab004[]sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca) says ... die kunst ist tot
moomin thirteen (moomin13[]dnx.com) says ... He is a fairly quiet dude who spends lots of time in a meadow. She
likes to eat rice crispies every now and then.
suebob (suebob[]ksu.ksu.edu) says ... Art is hard.
Stefan Vladescu (73372,2401[]compuserve.com) says ... Art is what everything else is not.
Rajesh Iyer (riyer[]cadence.com) says ... Mu
Morgan M. Schlaline (mortyhoo[]aol.com) says ... Art is Great! But I prefer Arthur. :)
Glenn J. Schworak (glenn[]g-world.com) says ... Art is the external expression of the inner self or inner eye.
Zayera (a94zaykh[]ida.his.se) says ... Art is liberation of the Mind
Art is finding onself
Art is my desire to Understand
Hassan Al-Sahaf (alsahfh[]batelco.com.bh) says ... Art, My friend...
Is the spirit that rises from deep within the soul, travels through the depths of the mind, and unites with images provided by the eye of nature's raw materials and of vision, colors, and life that man formed in the natural materials womb. Thus the unseen spirit becomes seen and fully visualized in spontaneous materialization despite the creative endeavors, true despite its contradiction of the conventional.
Hassan Al-Sahaf
Ed PooPoo says ... Art must cause physical insanity.
Chris says ... Art is the where the artist helps the world to understand the mystic truths about itself.
Yuri Dojc (dojc[]astral.magic.ca) says ... Art is stepping on the territory you did know existed
Jimmy Taylor (s_jataylor[]pstcc.cc.tn.us) says ... An expression of ideas that provokes one's thought.
Erin Morrissey (smorri7[]uic.edu) says ... Art is absoutely anything that imitates nature
Tor Kristensen (Tor_Kristensen[]msn.com) says ... Art is the Godhead revealed through the works of man.
Larry Brandon (Brandon[]louis-london.com) says ... Art is the process or the result of defining an emotional or physical state of being.
Tony Wong (ca247[]freenet.toronto.on.ca) says ... Art - a media where human transforms his/her own feelings and thoughts into.
Johnny Triumph (er78[]cityscape.co.uk) says ... In the words of Keith Richards: "As far as I'm concerned "Art" is short for Arthur.
Cachorrão (WilsonSantos[]bhnet.com.br) says ... It's almost better than sex
jimpi (abobber[]netcom.com) says ... A.R.T. - Anal Retentive Thinking (cf. David Ireland)
Clint (magicman[]harborside.com) says ... Art is a spirit that comes from within. Only seeing what one has known before. Creating all the while!
Bob Anderson (bazooka[]mail.utexas.edu) says ... Art is useless activity that makes a difference.
Craig Berlin (crash[]fishnet.net) says ... I would like to quote from R. G. Collingwood, The Principles of Art.
The artist must prophesy not in the the sense that he foretells things
to come, but in the sense that he tells his audience, at risk of their
displeasure, the secrets of their own hearts. His business as an artist
is to speak out, to make a clean breast. But what he has to utter is
not, as the individualistic theory of art would have us think, his own
secrets. As spokesman of his community, the secrets he must utter are
theirs. The reason why they need him is that no community altogether
knows its own heart; and by failingin this knowledge a community
deceives itself on the one subject concerning which ignorance means
death. For the evils wich come from that ignorance the poet as prophet
suggests no remedy, because he has already given one. The remedy is
the poem itself. Art is the community's medicine for the worst disease
of the mind, the corruption of consciouness.
I hope you don't mind this definition of art is not in my own words.
It expresses much better then I, what I believe.
Tim (tc10005[]cam.ac.uk) says ... A form of human behaviour: social display and experiment.
Recombines existing ideas to form new concepts, explores what is possible to "mean" using symbols.
Anything with semiotic meaning. :-)
lloyd thomas (lthomas[]gwent.ac.uk) says ... Art is bollox
David O'Quin (doquin[]ucla.edu) says ... The duty of the artist is to mercilessly apprehend reality and represent it.
A. Read says ...where form and function become the language of symbols.
msteven (msteven[]navajo.astate.edu) says ... two cannibals on an island
Panchin Sainz (newtsys[]onr.com) says ... Art is the token expression of unbounded consciousness...Panchin
JonJon (jdr6822[]tam2000.tamu.edu) says ... human beings trying to tell their story in the most accessable and uncompromised way they can.
Anonymous (%[]%) says ... After God, Art is dead.
Ed Stastny (ed[]synergy.net) says ... Art can and should be the tin-foil that wraps the Kinder-Egg of your worldview.
jbird (jbird[]cafe.on.net) says ... Isn't that a mans name?-Andy Warhol.......
jbird (jbird[]cafe.on.net) says ... Anything original from the wellspring of ones heart and soul, physically or conceptually manifested and named as such. Free self expression with regards to the previous.....
Julie Richman (J_Richman[]troubbs.org) says ... Art captivates the imagination and transforms experience, thus creating a heightened awareness of oneself and the world. This is true for both the creator and the viewer of art.
TweedleCranium (marcous@best.com) says ... Art can be defined by the ones how view it
ERROR 14 UNDEFIND (marcous[]best.com) says ... Something that captivates you mind
David Zuill (dzuill[]ibl.bm) says ... Art: N. the The result of the making or doing of meaningless things
through a meaningful process.
ken deppe says ... Art-a contolled objectification of feeling
Fredd Gorham (fgorham[]avatar.synergy.net) says art is: Living as opposed to mere existance.
Kenneth E. Klamer (kenartis[]epix.net) says art is: No!
jesse reynolds (jesse[]va.com.au) says art is: That which provokes lateral thought.
Robyn (raase[]math.unl.edu) says art is: Art is something that is aethestically pleasing to me (or was done by Ed). :)
Whit Morriss (dmorriss[]wlu.edu) says art is: Art is creation for the sake of expression.
Peer Bentzen (peerb[]inet.uni-c.dk) says art is: Art is a long letter to Death, a request for postponement sent to a
bank. AND Art is a terminology and a term.
Joel Steele (fng[]sfsu.edu) says art is: Art is the humans attempt at being God. This is why so many refuse to
show theirs...
Pam Wasserman (Brushagain[]aol.com) says art is: Art is an intepretaion of
one persons' experience in the hopes of causing a reaction or seperate
experience in another person.
TacGroup (TacGroup[]aol.com) says art is: Art is everything that is not art.
Steve Houlton (shoulton[]s-cwis.unomaha.edu) says art is: Oh God!
Angi Sada defines art as, "Life, the breath in you and the beat of your heart are true art."
Ted Grau defines art as, "A creative act birthed in the soul (or at least in the subconscious)."
Andy Booth defines art as, "A big hairy mechanic with his name embroidered onto his shirt."
John Giles offers, "Art is the oral/visual symbolization of an individual's curiosity."
"Dave Prescher" has no comment.
Dave Manning sez, "Art? Art is creativity realised."
Marius Watz thinks, "Art is a way of life. No more, no less."
Mike Kuniavsky ponders appropriateively, "Art is what artists do."
Gary Hunt thinks, "Art is whatever you want it to be."
Steve Standeford has faith in the fact that, "Art is a lie that you want desperately to believe, but know that you never will."
Bob Monahan concocts that, "Art is what keeps me awake."
Michael Pace thinks, "it is like a rainbow ... in light it pisses all the time colours ... in darkness it is the sound of a warm bitstream."
Toby Braun proposes, "Art is a reality experiment."
Tim Temple postulates, "What art _is_ is an expression of emotion, thought, or being that establishes a bond between creator and audience."
Someone whose name I forget and who is quoting someone else anyway says, "I'm fond of Duane Preble's line: 'The opposite of aesthetic is anaesthetic.'"
"What is art?" you ask.
"Send only two lines-" Oh damn! - KMK
Atgeirr F. Rasmussen likes to believe, "ART is an acronym for Anyone's Rubbish Thoughts."
Barrett Ryker looked it up and pedants, "Art is the visual representation of poetry...yeah."
Brad Brace no longer continues to say that art is now something else.
Craig Moe insists that "Art is an elementary school class where you learn not to eat paint and sniff glue."
Todd Arbetter seems to believe that, "Art is anything that can't be categorized as anything else."
One known as CM-LOCKWOOD[]wpg.uwe.ac.uk, screams, "Art is what happens when you transcend craft."
Pighed has three definitions that he would like to submit:
- art is a flatulance
- art is a confession
- art is a shared dream
Sue Gollifer presents a short statement on work....
"My work is developed according to a rigorous programme of formal experiment."
David Felber says, "Art is the ordering of life's splinters and husks into a temporary form that surrounds an empty space."
Steingrimur Birgisson twirls and spouts, "Art is a little green alien disguised as Russian who goes by the name Boris and is believed to be mostly harmless."
F.Pezeshkpour seems to think, "Art is any perception of the human condition. Quite interesting as it turns art criticts into artists, which I imagine is the last thing they want to be."