Comment:Swastika Webring Dealing with Nazi imagery is always a taboo subject, difficult to touch or discuss - as, I feel, it should be. We need to have a taboo or reverence(?) for it, since it was such an ultimately horrible moment in human history. The link above goes to a site that tries to reclaim the swastika and bring back its original symbolism before the Nazis destroyed and contorted its meaning. As fascinating as the site is, I think it is best to let the symbol just be Nazi and not 'take it back' in the same way that Gays and Lesbians have 'taken back' the pink triangle. In this media driven age, it seems that every symbol can be turnbed into its opposite meaning in some way - but Swastika still means one thing. Best that way. /ranting... jonathan
Description:ManWoman; tattooed Canadian Pop artist's transformational art visions. This biographical artsite educates about the sexual/spiritual experience, death, rebirth and ecstasy. This may be from the website's own description.
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