Comment:Ed, I looked and I don't even have an IRC client anymore. IRCle prefs are still there. I have been using IVisit. During the printmaking conference we hosted here in Austin I worked on setting up a video connection with a school of art in Athens Greece. In the early testing from home with my humble 26400 connection I was able to send and recieve audio, video and text chat. You don't need to have a video cam to take part, chat works just fine for convo. I'm using my ancient, fuzzy b&w quickcam. We settled on iVisit because there are both Mac and PC versions (sorry no Linux, Unix or my beloved ol' Amiga. Freeware at I set up a room on the iVisit server where I am now parked and will stay parked (though I'm usually in another room away from the keyboard physically) Look for bazooka in the room Arts & Leisure/Your Rooms/SITO Password is synergy At the moment my cam is pointed out the window
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