Comment:I decided to try out the service at - you can design a graphic or two, upload it, attach it to a t-shirt, a coffee mug or a mousepad, set your own price (over a certain amount) and and cafepress makes the shirts etc, ships them and then you rake in the vast amount of wealth you make from the profit. Woo hoo, cyber-capitalism! Anyway, after setting up my own t-shirts, etc for ( here's my 'store' ) I started thinking about the Grid and SITO. If there was a cool Grid shirt and the proceeds somehow went to the SITO overlords either to fund this craziness or even if they just pocketed it for much earned beer money - I'd buy these shirts, perhaps even many of them for friends, family and enemies too. Every Army needs a uniform. just a thought. jonathan
Description:Design and sell your own t-shirts, mugs, mousepads and more for FREE. This may be from the website's own description.
Type is User-suggested (URL pulled from discussions, etc.) and link status is: indexed ok.