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Comment:Hmm, I may have just instigated a double-post or something because I hit "return" after typing the subject, foolishly expecting to jump down to the textarea. Is there a way to head that off? JavaScript that checks the body for text? Anyway, I'm posting to inquire as to just how many Jon Van Oasts live in this house. There is no way one person could do this much cool coding and still be smiley and sociable at the end/beginning of the day. There is just no way. So fess up and send in the clones. I'm going to try something... Wow! You can drag images and bookmarks into the textarea and it'll paste the URL! Netscape can be really cool ! ( test of the parsing )... but not as cool as Jon!
Description:From msg #18 to sito, by OED: 'How many Jons are there?' This may be from the website's own description.
Type is User-suggested (URL pulled from discussions, etc.) and link status is: indexed ok.