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Bob (edited interview)

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How much TV do you watch, and do you identify with any of the characters that you see? Being a baby boomer, I have been watching television since prior to going to school, I guess. But now I don't watch as much, mostly because when I was watching television as a child, virtually all the performers were older than I was, so television was a kind of a surrogate role model in some ways. The only trouble is when you're a child, you sometimes cannot make a distinction between an idol and a role model. So there were lots of heroes and lead characters who possessed qualities I could never have, but I could certainly idolize them. Whereas there were other lead characters, people of more modest physical stature, who would be proper role models whom I could emulate and maybe even surpass. But as a child you don't make that distinction.
Have you ever imagined yourself in a television program? Yeah, I've imagined myself being either in a soap opera, I enjoy soap operas very much because they deal with a very fundamental level of human interaction. They move very slowly, and the actress Bette Davis even resented the term "soap opera." She said they were daytime dramas, and she thought of them as bona fide art and would take issue with anybody who opposed that. But I would say a soap opera I would enjoy because of the slowness of the progression. And in many ways, they are formatted like a Shakespearian play. Most of the time, there's not much action, and the characters engage in a lot of speech. And there are a lot of serious academic studies that are done now about soaps because the soap opera has been almost the only vehicle prior to the women's liberation movement that depicted strong women expressing feelings and getting into positions of empowerment within the soap opera drama.
What do you think about violence on television? Well, if it's in the proper context, the violence is something that can be viewed, but only if it's in the proper context.
If there was one thing you could change about TV, what would that be? I suppose the one thing I would probably want at least diminished would be anything excessively explicit. Because I think there's a great deal that can be communicated without the need of being excessively graphic.

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