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SITO in the flesh, Meetup!
by Ed Stastny [oed SITOme] [email Ed Stastny] 2004-01-26 22:14:44 [8207]
Ever have the urge to mingle with the SITOids in your area? Stifle that urge no longer! Come share germs at an INTERNATIONAL SITO MEETUP DAY in your town.

I've been lurking around the site for a couple weeks. I couldn't seem to find a generic "digital collaborative art" group to meetup with (go figure), so I requested they instigate one bearing our beloved monikker. Here it is!

International SITO Meetup Day <>

If you're unfamiliar with, it's basically a site that allows you to sign up for various interest groups and meet with those groups once a month. You can vote on venues and agendas and upload "minutes" and photos. It's a good idea.

HyGrid Unplugged, anyone?

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