i personally dont see a problem with either post. each artist on sito has their own discussion area, and these posts are related to the artist and their work. if it was "off topic" (say, a garage sale the artist was having, etc), then i would consider it otherwise. the first post, however -- this whole "rolf harris show" deal -- is a bit curious to be sure! i mean it has like 10 posts about this mysterious piece of art, with everyone ranting. whats up? ...discuss?num=8101 i couldnt find a lot on google, but there was one (cached) bbc page with this description of a show: "Star Portraits With Rolf Harris Bargain Hunt's popular presenter, David Dickinson, is moved to tears when his three portraits are revealed, but which one will he keep? With artists Binny Mathews, Andy James and Rebecca Driffield." oh, will the mystery ever be solved?