SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy
Special NY-Portland PANIC this week!!! Join us!!
by Lenara Verle [len SITOme] [email Lenara Verle] 2000-12-10 04:24:04 [995]
We will be having another edition of PANIC Booth!!

This time featuring two cities and 7 days of action!

PANIC will start this Sunday December 10 during Gracie's Brunch in Portland, Oregon

(breakfast at gracie's <>;)

People will be uploading portraits using the new web PANIC interface:


You will then have 5 days to play with them until the next event, taking place in New York the following Friday December 15

(4 Everybody!! - open studios <>;)

People in NY will watch to the results so far and we will also have a manipulation booth so they can play with Portlanderts portraits and Sitoids manipulation. Of course, we will be taking more portraits during the event.

Then, the following Sunday December 17 the final results will be shown in Portland, closing the loop!

The updated PANIC Booth page is available at:

PANIC Booth <>;

If case of any doubts post a reply here and we'll get back to you!

See you there!


Re: Special NY-Portland P..
Cross-posted:, sito.pdx, sito.synergy.gridcosm

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