SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.hygrid
Re: Do you ever . . .
by Kristen McQuillin [kkm SITOme] [email Kristen McQuillin] 2001-10-16 11:10:32 [3228]
Having just returned to SITO after five years of inactivity, one of the first things I did was to look at my old bits. Some of them I recalled vividly--others I'd completely forgotten.

Sad to say, I don't think my style's changed much over the years, though the tools I use have.

It's fun poking around the Hygrid, looking at the things that I added to, and all of the interesting bits I didn't do.

Gridcosm's even more fun. I've added too many squares in the last few days but I can't stop myself!

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Re: Do you ever . . .
Re: Do you ever . . .
Cross-posted: sito.synergy.gridcosm

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