i never got a notcie to stop. i dint post rants in the tags i posted songs then i graciosly limited that to textiness and ALL FOR ME managment has decided to make all html tectiness invisible? get real. i dont "effect" cosm in a negative way. im free money. no one has ben put out" bu me but im not uploading fuck yous im endeavoring to work in the new paradigm. im just saying. its a pointless act of distruction its beneath sito to redact anyones creations. but if i choose to play the part of the offended pariah what business is it of yours? why isnt that as valid an impression as aynthing else. are you telling me im so good at playing a dooshbag lunitic you cant even tell what a hypothetical stereo type im portraying? Damn maybe i am the most profound gridcosmer ever im the first to cross that invisible line of demarcation that threatens the very fabric of gridcosms being.. my stand up routine is so hidously precise i may scare eveyone away from the internet forever! I want allow to deny the absurdity of my outrageousness by pretending im forced to stand behind anything i say. doing so is a courtesy, not my obligation. back up snowflake im creating (%