Imagine my chagrin at the miraculous discovery years later that Neil Innes had formed "The Idiot Bastard Band" in cosmic confirmation of the link from Old Dirty Bastard to Python '76's Short Blues which in turn preambles nicely to Of course the Mrs Robinson + zoolander data is clearly coded, with such more than anecdotal coorelations as [eating my cereal] ="put it in your pantry with your cupcakes" and "heaven holds a place" =[where in all of God's green goodness] but [living saint]/ is too fast of course the red button is just right out. (i think i like as soon as the projector screen is rolled up 00:01:05) HOWEVER, a second trump position reveals an even more articulate line (as Zoolander loses to Hansel "either way you look at it) starting Mrs Robinson at about 0:07:51 [I hear you jaco]/ boasting edgy " hide it from the kids" error wedges.I have yet to investigate home alone 2 at the time i am typing this and there is more than enough data to consider confirmation in Zoolander but of course this is all old news as Donald first considered running in 1988, and dont forget his candidacy in 2000. As for Men at Work to Crocodile Dundee that should be easy enough for sentient thumb weilder to find as long as they have the captions on so...yeah i could celebrate but i prefer to downplay my metaniscience on such subjects as egocentricity tends to excude a sorty of ballsy sweat smell not all that dissimilar to a bag of dried appricots