SNot that big o deal tab. dudes hardly know how to run a site for all you know this is just a fkup. Don't stress out when we find out whats going on you'll have your answer. Either your work will be restored or I will more than make this up to you with an exacting retribution. Either way will be a total Blast. Sure I might look like a chump now. But you remember what we did to the last site that tried this sht. Everyone knows we took out synch arkive. Everyone knows we pitted Tumbler against 4-Chan. Everyone Knows you started gamergate. This site doesn't need to be crushed by our mighty hand. It needs to be nutured. there said frail egos are on the verge of death. You bring awesome into their lives. Im sure its a malfunction or just temporary. I'll work out a deal... soon as I get someone one th eline..we'll right out a check and im sure in time all your efforts will be respected and returned. If not I will personally level the place with you but don't fly off the handle over this. Im sorry I didn't get around to copying the text, I know that was really important to you especially with your dialysis every other day for 4-6 hours. I know that's no ones here business but you cant expect them to understand you know just relax and if it turns out they are Nazi's then yeah we can kill them all. Its not a big deal Bro! Your Buddy, -Oh