SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
lets see how this looks
by guest   2014-08-03 23:42:25 [36036]
__________________________________________________ candyO + nothing but trouble = 11, 1:02 __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ whywhy + N.B.T. = MG, 0:43.5 (57.5) step/reg switch ggg^E 'end'/ regVreg 'regulate'1/ --- me and g xmas eve '09

0:57impossible to read 58 spongie cut the 'Ra2or/blade'

90:31 = [why,2] __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ THE + nothing but trouble 76 moves =5,0:5i (not 54 cu2 str8) 5V5 alteredbeep/ to elevator 2:45 5^6 'off'/3:17 --- film pause clickI-2 6V6 'six'/ 4:08 6V6 click1/ 4:29 6V6 click1/ 4:50 6^6 click1/ 5:12 --- 7V7 hangup/ 5:24 7V7 hangup/5:40 (7^8 tf 6:47) -(metals/tink/bell/defense/ f+rc 12) (8^9 thing2 to pair tf elevators, airplane dubb towers 7:02) ... 7^8 tf 6:54 to tformer1 = elevator1 --- 8^9 = 7:27 (plastr8 to tf2,'pilot'= towers) --- 9V9 tf/ to tf1 elevator 7:54.5 (9V9 8:30e to [3:29],Str8 to 11-noGrgdoor) (9V9 tf2/ 9:11(13)carstart,airhvyfsteps,butter,plays to 10=14:30) ... 9V9 tf2'give'/ to bell, tformer garage door 8:59 (plastr8 to 3:29 sign, err)

9V9 tf1/ to farc [kiss] 9:29 (9^10 tf1/ 9:29) (10^11 'possible'/ 9:45) (11V11 'defense'/ 9:58(11V11 'defense'/ 10:10)) (11^12 defense vs button 10:23 to headlights) ... 9V9 tf1/ 10:(06)10 because pause fixes 10:24/7not10:06 (10:06 (wont plastr8 to tf) to 10:20/10:24 to tf) (10:10 (playsstr8 to tf) to 10:24 to tf/10:27err tf)

9V9 ting/ to ting -cars only-,tf1 shaver 10:24 (plastr8 to snickerpicnic)

9^10 tf1/ to range pig=[pork] 10:54/5 --- (10V10 'possible'/ to bark=[yes]) 11:10.5) ... (10^11 'possible'/ 11:10.5) (11^12 'defense'/ to pig=[pork] 11:23.5) ... 10V10 'force'/ to yesbark dog 11:46.5 (10^11 'on'/ to tf2 gate 12:03) (11V11 'play') (11V11 defense/ to 11 = 17:20) ... (10V10 bs1'jesus'/ to siren2 12:36) ... (10^11 yesbark/ 13:00) (11V11 'defense'/ 13:13) song = [kiss] (11V11 'button'to tf1gate,megatrongun...stupidbutton 13:38.5) or (11^12 'button'/to 'stupidbutton'prostate bubble 13:38.5) ... 10 = 11:46.5 10V10 'laserbeam'/ 14:10 10V10 'on'/ 14:27 to siren 10V10 'on'/ 14:43 10V10 'jesus'/ 15:32

10^11 break/ 17:19e or 10V10 break/ 17:19e 10^11 'possible'/ 11V11 'options'/18:19/20 11V11 tf2/ 22:24/5 or 11^12 tf2/ 22:26/7

--- :13=28:18 vs 27:57 ___ 11 = 17:20 11^12 'faster'/ 22:27 --- 12V12 purpleha2e/ 22:52 to brek 13 = 27:57 ('moves'/,'defense'/,ha2e/) --- 13V13 beep/ to alteredbeep=[beep] 30:45 13^14 alteredbeep/ to tformer 30:56

___ 11 = 17:20 'first and chill' = [prostate] 11V11 'play'/ 22:24 11^12 'defense'/ 22:38 (/'moves','button'/) --- 13 = 27:42/3 13V13 alteredbeep2/ to tformers 28:18 13^14 p.a.bubble/ 34:30 --- 14V14 laser/ 34:45 14V14 'start'/ 35:47 to [footsteps] ='123' 14V14 laser/ 36:02 14V14 'start'/ to abeep.17 = [17],tformer 37:02.5[]-on 14V14 tformer/ to 'ontheshore'=[on the shores] 38:58 14^15 'done'/ 40:33/4 --- 15^16 'end'/ 40:54/5 --- 16^17 'can'/ to splash 41:58 --- 17V17 splash/ to animals [woof] 42:24.5 17V17 splash/ to confirm 42:50 17V17 laser2/ to [start],[ay] spill the rossi 43:06.5 17V17 laser2/ 43:22 17V17 laser2/ 43:37/8 17^18 'stop'/ = 43:40e --- _____________________ 1 = 46:55

1^2 'two'/ 48:08.5 --- 2V2 'laser'/ 48:15.5 2V2 laser3/ to laser2,3 = torch 49:26 --- 3=53:59.5 to phone, explode 3V3 'button'/ 57:19 3V3 57:27 3^4 58:06 --- 4V4 .20 door/ to thunder door door 58:07 4V4 .20 door/ 58:28 (4V4 thing1/ = Tupacs fate 60:43) 4^5 thing2/ [march],master 60:5i --- 5V5 'move'2/ 63:59 5^6 beep/ 64:10 --- 6^7 click1/ to tformer 64:31/2 --- ______ 3:45: no 67:14 tfdoor, so must use 66:11 to 68:16 7V7 'full on'/ 67:26 7V7 'now'/ 68:16 or 7V7 'now'/ 65:22 7V7 'full on'/ 68:16 ______ 1:40:

7V7 'now'/ trade tf w/ hangup,beep button, piano 65:22 7V7 'now'/ 66:11 (7V7 'full on'/ 68:16)


7V7 'defense'/ 66:05 7V7 'control of the'/ 66:11

... 7 = 66:11 [same song] to gavel,tf door,'holy'I (tf/ door 67:14, beep/ ,now/ 7 = 68:16) 7^8 brek3/= 70:55/6 --- ... 7 = 68:16(14err)(18err) to [yo]2, 'camo' 7^8 'full on'/ 71:11 (brekI is late(unless 68:14err)) 3 or 6moves ------------------------------------ to tf bridge control,bell = [ride] 8 = 70:55 to beep control,tf floor 8 = 71:12


V.50 V.56 V1:0i 72:03 72:09 72:13

V.50 1:21= V32 + V50 V.56 1:15= V32 + V43 V1:0i 1:11= V35 + V35

8= 73:24 8V8 thingbeep4 /to bell=barrel bomb2 = expI 76:35.5 8V8 tf1 'cower'/ 78:12 8V8 'metals'beep/ bomb1 = exp2 78:26 8^9 tf1/ 78:58 --- 9V9 tf2 'give'/ to 90016 80:03 9^10 ting/ 80:21 --- 10V10 'brainstorm yes'/ 81:23.5 10V10 'on'/ 81:40.5 10V10 'on'/ to sirens, bell gate 81:58 10^11 'on'/ 82:14 --- 11^12 'defense'/ 82:27 --- 12 = 82:27 to toilet/bell 12^12/ 'another/' 85:35.5 12^13 laser/ 87:17/8

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$END DVD LIST ____________________________________

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Re: hold on i have to replace the aligators
Re: lets see how this loo..

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