even tho im entertaining the idea of myself? sometimes we come back for 'seconds', but we cant be that accurate with our arrows hitting the second post marker. that's God's. or whatever. is someone in the crew getting obnoxious or what? just say the word i'll str8n them out. even if its you! Hail SNZ! (exclamation marks are always amusing. always. always always always. then one day, hot flashes. only temporary. tell me true is this why you did this? id like to know. I wrote an article on the news. but the whole thing was self referencial. is this awesomeness existing now because this? 6:18:46 (central) ...gridcosm?level=3969 = ...gridcosm?level=1846 ? enquiring fractal minds want to know! ps we are you fan base. you are hero