Don't trust EXTRA! Mario Lopez iz part of a system of lies! This show "Extra" would have you believe that your life does not measure up to the celebrities they tow toug taw ..GOOG! the celebrities they tout... by saliglazing your colorsoaked brain with shmoozenthusiasm about the tritest gar-basche in fashionable cloth. This is all silliness. Aside from the T&A and some nice cars... hyperuseless detrimental poison! (does this sht actually make money for some lowthesum demonkey? that is sad. logic must have broken on y2k): "If you didnt see Spiderman-2 this weekend you may be the only one because the box office made 90 million dollars" DDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrffppplllllcarp Ok at $10 dollars a ticket (conservative cost est.) thats 9 million moviegoers. Now figuring the math-ez population of America as 300 million... ________ 300 to 9 = 100 to 3 = 3% ________ So you may be the only 97% of the population to not see this movie. ...gridcosm?level=top