Re: coolest ohkosm miracles FLYNC 200 | ||
by guest | 2014-04-29 19:47:42 | [35845] |
Stairway to Heaven attatched to "New Stairs" List, crescendo thru date and time panel of whne list was sourced for mkc from a stairway + matrix synch position(plus a second to errorsafe you know)(see FLYNC 193 for start of newstairs list(which kicked some matrix azz and like ooh look all these songs could be about cosm if you just let them) new stairs was finaly sourced after like a year or 3 delay? idk mike knows but that was this October 10/5/2013ish and if you check that panel after Gomez the date matches the like pinnacle of the song and so suddenly like mrm and oh and mkc and then cosm and time and space all sorta become gloriously affirmed by this song we all know like we couldn't help but me perfect...anyway this about the point where uh.. you know the God magnitude of like the Oh Jesus thing where you sorta have to aknowledge like that you just saw God performa miracle because your eyes are all tearing up and then like you wish would a been as forthoughtful as synch a list thru the creation date and like the Jesus Kung Fu is like I think the master just like..had our minds blown with his Glory derived from all our little obediances to him. which is like humbling and yet so faith affirming and undeniable that you sorta have to make sure the others know that the results are pure and beyond my intentions. claiming I planned everything was just to draw your attention to the fact that I didn't plan anything. I couldn't possibly concive of some of the interactions ive seen so far. I am left feeling as if, lest we dash our feet against stones, that some higher order beyond even our own mathematical and technological capabilities has preserved the integrity of ohkosm in some higher order attributable only to hiself and our emulation of him. anyway. this method sorta lends to that outcome because we are basically playing blind, that gives the context for the output and makes success that much more like..magical or intrinsic to ones spirit or sumsht. anyway all I do is this so when I see soething impossible and beyond my scope I sorta think that's way ore important then fancy sht I can do and explain. I guess dealing trivial mundane and fake synchs lets you appreciate the bigger more real life ones you cant really explain. but at the same time we all sorta have been allowed to share in tht bigger glory by being the component parts. the truth of Ohkosm is that everything depends on each participant..each play ecentually become the crucial correlary to one or more FLYNCs and you can see over and over where the exact sorta character response become the progenator of the next crucial phase.. IPD MRM JER and other cosmer pieces make up the points in OHKOSM FLYNCs. and we can plainly see how we all constantly prevoked each other into doing the exact right thing. even when the responses seem to be the opposite of expectation. anyway. I think we should all consider exactly why we did everything and where thos inspirations or voices or motives originated from and decide if perhaps there isn't a universal spirit or force or even laws involved that show a sorta no man buldeth a house unless the lord buildeth sortof law of which each of us actually know tht all of our creations are a cooperative effort with the Infinite Mind Creator and so can claim certain holy results from our endeavor. even with running around going "im the man!" and claiming all the glory for my self | ||
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