SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
How To Sychn To Cosm
by guest   2014-04-29 00:27:00 [35830]
I would point out that purposfull randomness is the dirt of worthlessness in terms of locating.

allways start where logic and reason lead first, or intuition. even if that is not correct, we must have reasons for why we synch or the output is meaningless, unless of course the point is to be random. that being said, what is it we are trying to do.

just image that the entire point and existence of the flash viwer is to play to music. NOW we cant just play to music, nit because we are trying to be fancy or make a video, but BECAUSE any random or untested position may result in a negative combination.. otherwise you have to make everything silent and inoquiose and then the output doesn't say anything! and that's usless I mean. who just wants to watch cosm to music without like...the product looking like someone sculpted a firkin musical dream? with jokes and sht and pithy wisdoms..nobody that's who

now when people KNOW or suspect that you are intentionaly coinciding with another medium to produce these outcomes then the idea usually is to test anything literal against known data. so like..if rubber ball...then by nature of being suspect you would probly try ever matching line of simon and garfukle to that ball until something else coincided and then BAM program right? synch..

SO what we really want is something that produces no errors or negative results in terms of devalidation any belief in intention.

THEN to have that result show a basic corelary connection between mediums from 1 to 999 times.

SO you would know that if 3 of the red rubber ball lines made stupid mistakes but one of them matches a sun with a sun then guess who wins the election?

this sht isn't hard. but you have to understand the method and know what you want. this is the kung fu knowing there is a kata for each situation. that is the test. you must run the gauntlent, come out the other side whole (or mostly), and with a prize. that is synching

I go get another sijoah to show you.

last one points: drumroll = machine guns im looking for frozen burritos (im zen whatever)

in krishnas hand = Andrew shop = ohkosm perfect.. (/dope) hand = hand etc question = flummox silence thru ponfield money and green on yeah, yeah trumps no

ends at A-team, Ohs mox etc. (chia panal alfalfnumeric)

this is as simple as we can get. this is OHKOSM

excellent JER. do you approve? are ther nuff points and truth and atmospheric relevance to call this FLYNC?

since I cant verify that any of you have even looked at a FLYNC let alone approve of the positions I no longer seek to acert qualifications my self.

however if you were to agree that this indeed is rather synchronous than perhaps we could add this link to show yet another example of our profound potential and really really neatness that you know the TV promised and now is just faceapple twitube where my jetsons


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