scent o mint as the scope highlights PON s teeth to AIM at his cavity laffing gas or a length of floss cutting edge in my reach a tiny lister reinacment in a synch full of bleechto whiten sheets who compete aginst the quincy dentist this is not a drill and youre not skilled enough to invent this laser tech to be used for pit fillings on your way to heckle somebodies hide or your dr jeckle insured for a sheckle against attacks or a tackle to jailbait your pole with hooks and put your ass in shackles as the wolf and the pigs kakle hyenas jackle you off yourself your nuts flap pteradactl untactile to an intact tile raisin your bar of dial like a boot as toothpaste substitute wishing youd live to have dentures which you'd have to get inbetween these misadventures till your jaw bones are the clenchers to a cliff hanger of monkey wrenches hit your gears like a sabot to glog dance your ass ro your tune you can sobit as you twist your mashpottoe ass toward luranna bobbit you harry toed hobbit im a lord of the rings your weak adolf and if you had half a staff youd be a gay Gandalf your magnetic powers are in a wheelchair your xaviers no savior and the pheonix can always call the keystone cops on your ugly Cyclops to prop and not props your bebops to the guillotine that drops and chops your little night crawler like a wolverine then youll be an x man alone with your tauntlet in a secret war for my infinity guantlent