cosm hit you in the knee, OUCh (do you regret the path?) morning dr silberman? hows the knee? (terminator 2) ----------------------------- Play you song to the fashviewer ...gridcosmviewer.swf?TOPLEVEL=3936&STARTLEVEL=3858 clicking the paused song at 0:00 just after doublespacebar-ing to start the choochoo zoom (observing MRMs b1 3936 = a3 on 3858 _____________________ FLYNCs if they become a standar will be relevnt. using the number 7, IPD reference FLYNC 7 + ...gridcosm?level=3810 ...gridcosmviewer.swf?TOPLEVEL=3936&STARTLEVEL=3810 Foo Fighters "I'll Stick around" which poses the obviose question and referances PAWNS ns was likely the reason for his sitoid choice (see panel 106) Tommorrow is the 20th anniversary of KurdtR.I.P. the use of the word OTHER refernces both foo as the other band and chad s the other drummer, the cosmic oddity is CHAD CHANNING is a GERMS SHIRT years before the GERMS GUITRIST joined the band CHAD STARTED and was no longer in. Thus endeth the lesson. if I could get just one phone call ps (the answer to the decoy in your FLYNC is that my ship is COSM)