Happy to see that JER was up for Church | ||
by Oh / Brock Lee ![]() |
2014-04-06 16:28:03 | [35676] |
Hey a note about ohkosm FLYNC links: there are few links in the ohkosm running around unlabeled. some FLYNC some don't so well, but are panel specific "discussion" however if a link has not been labeled FLYNC don't assume you can't try to flashsynch the song, but rather think of those links as being more relevant to an extended study than the initial OHKOSM tour that the FLYNCs represent for example : http://youtu.be/I1zPTLBrAvk?t=5m15s + ...gridcosmviewer.swf?TOPLEVEL=3935&STARTLEVEL=3847 is VERY DECISIVE interms of being a full on synch FLYNC, however the line is more relevant to OHKOSMers (ie MRM IPD NLT JER THU SUH SAZ OOH OHK TAB THF OHS PON LIP KBO TCA etc) and maybe not so much for the the "observer" so for the linked panels, I will ad a tag, without numbering the individual FLYNCS, so someday people will go "why" and then tht will e an interesting ting for a minute, basically a lot of the links need to look sporatic and random so maybe...like 5 of them don't really synch at all, or are spot on only in terms of the panel or the issues around said panel. ALSO I should point out that most but ot all ohksom FLYNCs "FLY & SEE" are singles songs. there are several full cd links that continue deep into the pre-ohkosm. thes have not been uniqly tagged as being more theatrical or spectacular demonsrations because we would like you to find them as you do. ALSO we would encourage anyone who does a single song trip to think bout continuing the trip thru the native source of the song. FOR INSTANCE One could play thru Ministrys pslm69 album from our "Just One Fix" FLYNC position. infact maybe you are supposed to, nd I would have linked that if I knew where my original "scarecrow" postion notes are (huh) well anyway I dhould be able to prove that lin from panel 3734 (having surely anchored. I remember!) but I guess I didn't paste a link or...well that's something I've been trying to hashout also..after watching the extend Just one Fix album line and thining "this is exactly what I did when we put up the scarecrow..where is that line"but selah! OK well 3734 IS grounded I just,,cant remember how? well better do stat at "just one fix" as an excuse to adjust to the original scarecrow line I remember seeing which must be less then 15 seconds away...anyay...ALWAY KEEP ACCURATE NOTES AND CATELOG EVERYTHING (especially if something seems unimportant at the time. THATS the thing you will want to look up later...) -peace | ||