BUT seeing as how they show up DIRECTLY AFTER and MKC Alice coope (no more mister nice guy) I REALLy BELIVE WANT TO THINK SUH IS MKC since no one else r3eally would reall make sense showing up and sayin gOH GOD LOOK AAT WHAt YOU DID TO THe GREEN LINES! SO MCUH COSM OH NO!! we chucked ALL THAT S"HIT OUT THE WINDOW! cuase after 15 years wait oh God 17 years you guys kinda cn deal with all that now! how to look like a NEWB cosmer: check the old cosm! Id just like to point out thatALL OF YOU wer mimiced in Our Oh chirade. none of oyu is all that different. you just need team skills, like us, so you can do better stuff.