Honestee | ||
by guest | 2014-03-27 04:18:28 | [35372] |
I can't possible take offense at things I asked for. We've never cared about blending or whether you blend or don;t we know all the things that one can be done in cosm. we understnd all the attitudes and typical reactions You got presented with a basic character, and responded accordinly. at no time was anything you could possible do a problem or able to inhibit our plan. The pure, unbiased nature of your contribution was the exact control required for our experiment. However sht had to look real and unintentional because people online typicaly tend to enjoy ruining things they can't be a part of. SO OH MY GOD DON:T BE OOH!!! oY MY GOD YOU DIDNt BLEND! OH My GOD HOW DOES THIs WORK OH MY GOD I MADE A MISTAKE OH MY GOD I LOOK SO OBBISLEE LIKe 1 PERSON PRETENDINg TO BE 4 OMG IM SO OBVISOE IN MY INTENTIONS. sorry to play you, but we did tell you we have no emotional investment in online interactions. by rule. we are just emotionless soldiers following a method wgat is frustrating is that you still don;t seem to understand. Our cosm is built. we dn;t care about your cosm. we don't care in the slightest about opinions. we arnt trying to win you over. you are like cows in a field i just havrested. Sorry to have to be so vulcan, but, thats how experts behave. we wiggle one hand while the other takes your wallet. perhaps you havent observed the timing of our arrival nor are aware of the pertanence of our artform. WE DON"T CARE. get over your selfie. stop being upset that your own sense of ownership was used to protect OHKOSM from inacurate code while we manipulated you into categorical alignment and you didnt take the chance to sabotage or dominate our field. everything you do i have solutions for. chic legs on bucky? THAT PERFECT!! but ic ant tell you that you have to think yur getting my goat because thats what motivates aholes like gridcosm Anyway if you want to join our cartoon team, make some backgrounds. Thats the only interest we've ever had in cosmers so good luck with the delusion that this is somehow a battle which i created for you. I like you all very much. We don;t care at al what you think of us because you are invarible wrong about every imaginary detail. (we own your world) peace -BADDEST MFKRS ALIVE -Oh
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