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captain story:
by guest   2014-03-27 00:20:48 [35357]

The time of year was first snow... or first ice...yet for the men of the h.m.s.O...the cold was anything but new.

"Captain, we've failed to locate the book of Papers believed to hve been Left by Fther in the trnsporter acessory compartment."

"its just as I thought men. We alredy smoked em."

"But Cptin that mens there re no more Papers nywhere on the ship,and we won't be in supply Rnge for another 7 hours 28 minutes"

The Captian,whod been &uestioning the morall of his crew Since the begining of this very day,hving himself nearly resigned in frustrtion (and auite possibly initiated the ships self destruct se&uence) due to a consistant 'Barely getting by' Status in the suppli chain,was now faced with a potentialy greater frustration inlight of this current paper crisis. Knowing If the men saw this it would surely discoraGe them, the captain, recalling every biblical story of sufficuency mixed together, reacted with perfect confidence.

"Check the trimmings depot for left over rolling errors"

"Theres only one captin and its glued to a stack of trimmings like a holiday bow, and it seems to have been exposed to some reactor leakege"

"Remove the trimmings as delicately as possible"

The trimmings were nothing more than the long gluey strips cut off a rolling Paper when its used to clean excess resen buildup in the cannabis reactor.

THere were hundreds of these trimmings in the depot, now all sorta stuk to the only remaining 3/4tghs of a paper on the ship.

"Lay it out flat,, watch them creases, fix That fold good."

the captain Lay a strip on the outer edge of the ripped side, forming the outline of a complet paper. smaller trimming pieces were used to fix ters and complete the glue strip of the paper itself. Part of ollowed misroll was found.. this afforded two panels to Complete the paper.

as the paper was lowered into te roller, the crew noticed the captin smiling.

"MY God, this is gonna work" thought the crewman whod been paniced by the inability to locte Fathers papers.

The Captian looked as if he was sealing an envelope containing mission success confirmations, rolled down the Paper, and ejected a perfect smoke.

as the captin lit up and took a drag i heard the crew cheer . Ill never forget the looks of respect nd admirtion on the crews faces i witnessed, thru tear filled eyes, that day. hed done it. he'd beaten the odds.

we were the men of the h.m.s.O. and he... he was the captain.


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