SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Taggings more fun
by guest   2014-03-23 11:57:43 [35223]
you guys may be artists. But I've always been a vandal. see the difference?

I didn't think so but.. contrived or derived, satire by the very natue of being a juxtaposition of life can only be appreciated upon completion as one finds oneself adjacent to the world they knew and no longer surrounded by such. "I thought ALL my thinking was outloud" Oh im sorry, did you keep coming back to the space I'd chosen to occupy to complain about the food I challenge you to find one thing In OHKOSM that doesn't make sense besides your selves (thankfullee bound by the sovereign order of the I before E mastery of God's contingent providence)

Ok The Damn Thing should be alot prettier but your job shoulda just been trying to make me look realee good.

instead of trying to crash your own surprise party

all in all we're way above the curve and not much was wasted. hopefulee we've spawned the desire to create something that looks nothing like OHKOSM to point of making us look original and youneek by contrast.

as for your hi-strung commenting motherfkrs remember this tickertape confetti mess should we ever return to cosm. don't try to use your crude obsolete wannabe languages on me unless you an shoot in ever direction at once because our unity reconciles all diversity. challenge: lets all just try and forget about all this since you can't quite give us the appreciation we deserve yet. -Oh just be easier to you know sorta just let things kinda slowly start to

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