30 or 40 Reusable Hyper Sycnhs MAps that MAtch fro 5 -10 to over a Hundred Movies a piece. Our Most extensive map THE made with recurrent data dubs is available on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCod_PJeVt4I7OnzWC6kSMlw But we also have accurate mathematical answers for THIS THATS OK THANK YOU GO NOTHING LOUD MORE SURE WHY CUT DID TITLE POINT vici TAB-O HIT$ and many more. all are built on standard 40min-80 min forms and completlee documented. Each map garuntees successful synchs to multiple films, all of which has been confirmed and documented and is just waiting for someone to watch. SO..If you ever want a set list/cd that synchs to every movie ever, let us know: we did work.