SITO / Discussions / sito.synergy.gridcosm
Love Is Strange
by Oh / Brock Lee [ohk SITOme]  2014-02-19 09:21:10 [34776]
but every denial and action lacking such is a shame. cosm isn't realee different everyone will carry their own weight.

"potential" is similar in that, well, we never exceed our potential, we can onle hope to fulfill it.

see theres this infinitude f possibility defined by the omniscient but the moment is actualee created in real time and we navigate options of fullee known choices.

much like a squirrel running up a tree.

That being said potential could be likened t the highest branch..

yes this is fractal.

freewill is derived from this infinitude which is defined by Gods omniscience. thus the gracious eyelashes.

(evolution) (where did the food come from?)

but there is no future. not currentlee. there is onlee the swift and certain obligation to create that which aligns descriptivlee with Gods prediction.

you really don't have ot see the future if you have the ower to creat it.

not that God doesn't see the future. what im saying is that God sees every possible future.

So what does that say about your apperent choices?

clearlee potential exist onlee in continuity.

which meens you can't do anything you can't do but you could do Anything that you can.

because the knowledge of God frees us and does not enslave us.

who will lead you to that highest branch which is already yours by virtue of your potential? and the potential of others?

how does it work what does it do how do I know if im doing the righ thing what If I don't think other people are right blah blah blah blah.

my God is kick my ass up a tree.

im like "this way?" "yes." this way?" "no." "this way?" "yes." "this way?" "no." "this way?" "either bonus! pick one" etc

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