snot about 'ruining' the picture. sgroup ndynamics. if a person tries, or works, or is just exillerated by a neat idea that may seem lazy.. but the picture sucks.. that's not the same as "im way better at this and I don't care at all because yur not" and is different than just "I'll merge with my buddies by not newbies" and "not good enough" expressions, that tho you seemed to reconcile next panel...(my duck fked yur duck! ha!) THE NORMAL POLITE THING TO DO in response to someone NW who offers up an OBVIOS NIFTY SETUP would be the recipricol fill in the blank, some pinache, and a nod. then when the ball gets kicked bak and forth, do something unpredictable or DECONSTRUCTIVE because the poor idiot KNOWS you can recycle back a visual or conceptual reward and will ,without insult (maybe a joke or a prod) and knows that you wil give each other the benefit of the doubt. but what you did looks like BULLYING THE ISSUE IS TRUST rejecting a setup says 'FU: yur ideas sucks and is not worth adding to. whicfh both ADMITS and demands concideration of the fact that people invest time and energy in this, while totally devaluing that time and effort others offer. kinda sick. but whatever I already treat the internet as a big antichrist cock with teeth so you can't hurt my feelings. im more just disappointed in humanity some more and more and more