"Do you have any galleries that I could check out?" Thanks for asking. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Chagall/88/238/1888 <slurl.com> The current art exhibit is 33 Years of Doodling. It's mostly scanned line drawings of mine from the 1980s and 1990s. My method of doodling is similar to automatic writing. There's no preliminary sketch. I don't know what I'm going to draw when my pen hits a blank sheet of paper. It all just sort of happens. The result sometimes resembles one-line art. Nothing from Gridcosm or Panic is on display in my gallery. That's because of the collaborative nature of those projects. I'd be taking away the contributions of others. They belong in SITO. They should stay here. That said, I enjoyed seeing your stuff in Baker's gallery. It's a whole new perspective. Namely the Physics Engine.